Af Mette Stougård. Udgivet fredag den 10. oktober 2014
Cirka 55.000 danskere lever med hjertesvigt, hvor hjertet ikke er i stand til at pumpe tilstrækkelige mængder blod rundt i kroppen. Men et dagligt tilskud af coenzym Q10 kan styrke den svækkede hjertemuskel hos patienter med kronisk hjertesvigt. Det viser et nyt internationalt studie, hvor også danske hjertesvigtpatienter har deltaget.
420 patienter med moderat til svær hjertesvigt fra Europa, Asien og Australien deltog i et dobbelt-blindt, placebokontrolleret forsøg kaldet Q-SYMBIO. Halvdelen af patienterne indtog 100 mg Q10 tre gange om dagen, mens den anden halvdel fik identiske, men virkningsløse kapsler (placebo). Ingen af deltagerne vidste, om de fik placebo eller Q10, men alle fortsatte med at tage hjertesvigtmedicin under hele forsøget. Efter to år havde gruppen af patienter, der fik coenzym Q10, 43 procent færre hjertedødsfald end gruppen, der fik placebo. De patienter, der tog Q10, oplevede ligeledes 43 procent færre komplikationer, herunder indlæggelser på hospitalet på grund af hjertesvigt. Ingen af deltagerne oplevede bivirkninger af Q10 i forbindelse med forsøget.
Mindre træthed
Sikkerheden ved anvendelsen fremgår også af den totale dødelighed i studiet, der var 42 procent lavere i Q10-gruppen, fortæller Svend Aage Mortensen, overlæge, på Rigshospitalets Hjertecenter, som var leder af Q-SYMBIO-studiet.
- Vi har vidst, at det naturlige stof Q10 har en gavnlig virkning som tilskud i behandlingen af patienter med kronisk hjertesvigt. Deltagerne i Q10-gruppen oplevede også færre symptomer i form af mindre træthed og åndenød igennem forsøget. Det er meget positive resultater, at man kan bedre tilstanden og langtidsforløbet, når der er tale om patienter med svær hjertesvigt, siger Svend Aage Mortensen, som har forsket i Q10 og hjertesvigt siden 1983.
Resultatet af undersøgelsen viser altså, at der er en gavnlig effekt af Q10-tilskud ved høje doser på 100 mg x 3. Dette svarer til 1 kapsel 3 gange dagligt a 100 mg, som blev anvendt i studiet. Udgiften er ca. 300 kroner om måneden.
Hjerteforeningen glæder sig over de spændende resultater. Har man Q10-mangel er det sund fornuft at tage et tilskud, men der er ikke tale om en mirakelkur. Q10 kan være et udmærket supplement sammen med den øvrige behandling for nogle hjertesvigtpatienter, forklarer Henrik Steen Hansen, Hjerteforeningens formand, overlæge, på Odense Universitetshospital.
-Der har været flere studier af Q10 med forskellige resultater. Det nye studie ser lovende ud, men vi har brug for flere undersøgelser med langt flere deltagere, før end vi kan anbefale Q10 som behandling til patienter med kronisk hjertesvigt, siger Henrik Steen Hansen og tilføjer, at man altid bør drøfte behandlingen med egen læge før start af Q10.
Forskellige teorier
Hjertesvigt kan være kendetegnet ved et lavt niveau af coenzym Q10 i hjertemusklen og dermed en mulig Q10 mangel. Der er forskellige årsager til Q10 mangel ved hjertesvigt. Q10 er et coenzym, vi selv danner, som har en central funktion i cellernes energiproduktion, og det er også kroppens egen antioxidant. Særligt hjertemuskelceller har behov for meget energi, og har man mangel på Q10, kan tilførsel medvirke til at give hjertemusklen en del af den tabte energi tilbage. Blandt andre faktorer, der kan spille ind, er en faldende dannelse af Q10 i kroppen, som ses med alderen, eller et nedsat indtag af Q10, som findes i visse fødevarer. Endvidere nedsætter kolesterolsænkende medicin (statiner) dannelsen af Q10.
Overvejer du at begynde at tage kosttilskud, bør du altid læse indlægssedlen grundigt og i samråd med din læge, anbefaler Hjerteforeningen.
Studiet er netop blevet offentliggjort i det anerkendte tidsskrift Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC: Heart Failure).
7.1 Product specific references
a) Double-blind, mono-preparation trials
Skough K; Krossen C; Heiwe S; Theorell H; Borg K:
Effects of resistance training in combination with coenzyme Q10 supplementation in
patients with post-polio: a pilot study.
J Rehabil Med.: 40:9:773-5. (2008)
OBJECTIVE: Coenzyme Q10 supplementation leads to increased muscle metabolism in patients with
post-polio syndrome. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of resistance training in
combination with oral supplementation with coenzyme Q10 in patients with post-polio syndrome
regarding muscle strength and endurance as well as functional capacity and health-related quality of
life. DESIGN: Parallel randomized, controlled, double-blind pilot study. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A
total of 14 patients (8 women and 6 men) with post-polio syndrome participated in a 12- week muscular
resistance training, 3 days/week. The patients were randomized for oral supplementation with
coenzyme Q10, 200 mg/day, or placebo. Measurements used were: sit-stand- sit test, timed up & go
test, 6-minute walk test, muscle strength measurement by means of dynamic dynamometer and shortform
(SF)-36 questionnaire. RESULTS: Muscle strength, muscle endurance and quality of life
regarding mental health increased statistically significantly in all 14 patients. There was no significant
difference between the coenzyme Q10 and placebo groups regarding muscle strength, muscle
endurance and quality of life. CONCLUSION: There was no effect of coenzyme Q10 supplementation
during resistance training on post-polio syndrome symptoms. Thus, supplementation with coenzyme
Q10 has no beneficial effect on muscle function in patients with post-polio syndrome.
Pella D; Fedacko J; Rybar R; Fedackova P et al.:
Coenzyme Q10 and Selenium in Statin Side Effects Treatment. Results of a
Randomised Double-Blind Clinical Study:
Int. Med. CoQ10 Congress, Prague, Czeck Republic.: Sept. 13th: (2008)
Statins are the principal and the most effective class of drugs to reduce serum cholesterol levels and
cardiovascular events in patients with or without coronary artery disease. Inhibition of HMG-CoA
reductase by statins is leading not only to decreased synthesis of cholesterol but is affecting also
synthesis of other substances. Besides positive pleiotropic effects of statins (antiinflammatory,
antithrombotic,antiproliferative and others) there are probably also negative ones, namely inhibition of
geranyl pyrophosphate synthesis and subsequently dekaprenylu4ubensoate which is precursor of
coenzyme Q10. Moreover statins inhibit endogenous synthesis of several selenoproteins (cholesterol,
CoQ10 and already mentioned selenoproteins share the same biosynthetic pathway which is inhibited
by statins). Coenzyme Q10 (ubiquinone, ubidekarenone) is one of the key substances in myocardial
energetic metabolism and for cells membrane stability as well, when deficient, myocytes should be
prone to damage in the form of myopathy or myositis, or even rhabdomyolysis. Selenium play very
important role like antioxidant and its deficiency may lead to the development of arterial hypertension,
cardiomyopathy (Keshan disease), or peripheral muscle disease. Background: Of our double blind,
single centre prospective 3-months study using 2x2 factorial design (CoQ10 200mg/day vs. selenium
200ug/day vs. their combination vs. placebo administered to statin treated patients with mild side
effects but not leading to treatment withdrawal) was to evaluate possible benefits of coenzyme Q10
and selenium supplementation. Methods: We have screened 1, 142 patients treated with statins and
found 60 eligible patients to be enrolled to the study. All patients underwent at the beginning of study
physical examination including measurement of blood pressure, laboratory examination ( plasma level
of CoQ10, lipid profile, liver enzymes, CK, glycaemia, BUN, creatinine, uric acid, sodium and
potassium levels) and echocardiography parameters to determine diastolic function of the left ventricle
(early diastolic velocity E, late diastolic velocity A, isovolumetric relaxation time, deceleration time).
Physical and laboratory examinations were repeated after 1 month and at the end of study.
Echocardiography was performed at the beginning and at the end of the 3 months study. Results:
Baseline plasma level of CoQ10 in placebo group was 0.74±0.31ug/ml and did not change significantly
during the whole study period. Plasma level of CoQ10 in active group increased from baseline
0.81±0.40ug/ml to 3.31±1.75ug/ml at 3 month visit ( statistical difference between placebo and active
group at month 3 was observed; p<0.0001). Muscle pain in active group dissappeared in 15 from 22
patients in comparison with baseline ( in placebo group not only no improvement, but 2 cases of new
onset of muscle pain were confirmed ). Muscle weakness was persistent only in 2 patients from 13 at
baseline visit compared with 8 patients who remain unchanged in placebo group. Fatigue, present at
baseline in 10 patients of active group, was markedly improved in 9 of them (in placebo group
improvement only in two patients). Polyneuropathy was reduced in 11 patients from 13 diagnosed at
baseline visit in the CoQ10 group compared with no change in the placebo one. Two parameters of
diastolic function were significantly improved in CoQ10 treated patients (E/A ratio increased from
0.854±0.27 to 1.080±0.27; p<0.0001) and isovolumetric relaxation time decreased from
101.26±17.63ms to 83.53±10.43ms; p<0.0001) while the third one remain statistically not significant
( deceleration time at baseline 180.43±48.10ms compared with final visit 176.16±36.25ms; p=0.654 ).
No significant change of all these three values in placebo group were observed. Our study confirmed
that blood concentration of selenium in statin treated patients is suboptimal (baseline values
70.42±13ug/L). In active selenium group we have observed increase to 137.12±31.26ug/L (p<0.0001)
at month 3 visit, which was associated with 50 % decrease of myopathy and fatigue incidence and
more than 70 % decrease of polyneuropathy signs and symptoms. In conclusion, our results showed
that supplementation of statin treated patients with coenzyme Q10 and/or selenium diminished
symptoms of myopathy and fatigue which could be associated Additional Author: Potocekova D.
Tiano L; Gabrielli O; Carnevali P; Santoro L et al.:
Coenzyme Q10 and oxidative damage in Down Syndrome: Biochemical and clinical
5th Conf Int CoQ10 Ass – Prog & Abstr: 57-8 (2007)
Down syndrome (DS) is a chromosomal abnormality (trisomy 21) associated with mental retardation
and Alzheimer-like dementia, characteristic change of the individualÆs phenotype and premature
ageing. Oxidative stress is known to play a major role in this pathology since a gene dose effect leads
to elevated ratio of superoxide dismutase to catalase/glutathione peroxidase compared to controls in
all age categories suggesting that oxidative imbalance contributes to the clinical manifestation of DS.
Hyperuricemia is another feature of DS that has an interesting relationship with oxidative stress since
uric acid represents an important free radical scavenger. However its formation is connected to the
conversion of xantine-dehydrogenase (XDH) to xantine-oxidase (XO) which leads to concomitant
production of free radicals. Here we report that plasma samples from DS patients in pediatric age
despite an increased total antioxidant capacity, largely due to elevated Uric acid content, do not differ
from healthy control plasma samples in terms of susceptibility to peroxidative stimuli. Instead, they
present significantly elevated markers of oxidative damage such as increased allantoin levels and
oxidative DNA damage in peripheral blood lymphocytes, displaying a bimodal distribution in relation to
DNA damage indexes detected by the Comet assay, characterized by a major population of mild
damaged cells and a smaller population of heavy damaged cells. Moreover, Coenzyme Q10
administration for 6 months, at a dosage of 4mg/Kg/die was able to significantly decrease indexes
associated with mild DNA damage detected by the Comet assay (Tail length and Tail migration).
These results, arising from a double blind controlled study on 40 DS patients in pediatric age, indicate
that CoQ10 is able to protect lymphocytes bearing low levels of DNA damage while it does not seem
effective in ameliorating the heavily damaged cells, thus indicating a potential application in preventive
therapy. We aim to verify if CoQ10 supplementation in this pathology is able to produce elevated
antioxidant protection in the plasma (TAC/Dieni) and ostabilizeo purine metabolism. The ongoing
phase of the study is aimed at verifying whether CoQ10 supplementation in these patients is able to
increase the antioxidant protection in plasma and to affect the conversion of uric acid into allantoin.
ADITTIONAL AUTHORS: Padella L, Carlucci A, Mercuri A, Principi F, Littarru GP
Lukmann A; Ojamaa M; Veraksitch A; Vihalemm T et al.:
The effects of Coenzyme Q10 in early rehabilitation after acute coronary syndrome:
5th Conf Int CoQ10 Ass – Prog & Abstr: 124-5 (2007)
Aim: To investigate the effect of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) on the changes of several functional and
biochemical parameters during early rehabilitation after acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Methods:
Two to four weeks after ACS the patients started with 50-minute exercise therapy sessions three times
a week with an overall length of 12 weeks. 58 patients were randomized into 2 subgroups: 31 patients
received CoQ10 (gelatin capsule form CoQ10 dissolved in soya bean oil, Pharma Nord)100/200 mg
per day (1/7 weeks) and 27 patients received placebo according to the similar scheme. The patients
underwent breath-by-breath bicycle cardiopulmonary testing before and after the rehabilitation
programme, while the functional indices of cardiorespiratory system, the markers of cardiometabolic
risk factors and oxidative stress were measured: peak oxygen consumption and maximal workload,
total cholesterol, HDLcholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, triglycerides, ultra- sensitive C-reactive protein,
conjugated dienes, baseline conjugated dienes, oxidized LDL and human autoantibodies against
oxidized LDL . Results: After administrating the CoQ10 in early rehabilitation after ACS most of the
indices of cardiorespiratory reserve and functional capacity revealed a significant increase. In the study
group the improvement in aerobic capacity was more significant than in the control group. The markers
of cardiometabolic risk and oxidative stress did not demonstrate statistically significant change neither
in the study group nor in the control group. Conclusions: The administration of CoQ10 improves
positively the aerobic capacity of patients after ACS, especially in patients with congestive heart failure.
TYPE: Conference Poster
Singh RB; Niaz MA; Kumar A; Sindberg CD; Moesgaard S; Littarru GP:
Effect on absorption and oxidative stress of different oral Coenzyme Q10 dosages
and intake strategy in healthy men.:
Biofactors.: 25:1-4:219-24. (2005)
INTRODUCTION: The effect of various dosages and dose strategies of oral coenzyme Q(10) (Q(100)
administration on serum Q(10) concentration and bioequivalence of various formulations are not fully
known. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: In a randomized, double blind, placebo controlled trial 60 healthy
men, aged 18-55 years, were supplemented with various dosages and dose strategies of coenzyme
Q(10) soft oil capsules (Myoqinon 100 mg, Pharma Nord, Denmark) or crystalline 100 mg Q(10)
powder capsules or placebo. After 20 days blood levels were compared and oxidative load parameters,
malondialdehyde (MDA) and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) were monitored to
evaluate bioequivalence. All the subjects were advised to take the capsules with meals. Blood samples
were collected after 12 hours of overnight fasting at baseline and after 20 days of Q(10) administration.
Compliance was evaluated by counting the number of capsules returned by the subjects after the trial.
RESULTS: Compliance by capsule counting was >90%. Side effects were negligible. Serum
concentrations of Q(10) (average for groups) increased significantly 3-10 fold in the intervention groups
compared with the placebo group. Serum response was improved with a divided dose strategy.
TBARS and MDA were in the normal ranges at baseline. After 20 days intervention in the 200 mg
group TBARS and MDA decreased, but the decrease was only significant for MDA (Fig. 2).
Conclusions: All supplementations increased serum levels of Q(10). Q(10) dissolved in an oil matrix
was more effective than the same amount of crystalline Q(10) in raising Q(10) serum levels. 200 mg of
oil/soft gel formulation of Q(10) caused a larger increase in Q(10) serum levels than did 100 mg.
Divided dosages (2 x 100 mg) of Q(10) caused a larger increase in serum levels of Q(10) than a single
dose of 200 mg. Supplementation was associated with decreased oxidative stress as measured by
MDA-levels. Indians appear to have low baseline serum coenzyme Q(10) levels which may be due to
vegetarian diets. Further studies in larger number of subjects would be necessary to confirm our
Zita C; Overvad K; Hunter DA; Sindberg CD; Moesgaard S; Hunter DA:
Serum coenzyme Q_{10} concentrations in healthy men supplemented with 30 mg or
100 mg coenzyme Q_{10} for two months in a randomised controlled study.
Biofactors: 18:1-4:185-193. (2003)
Serum coenzyme Q10 (Q10) concentrations were evaluated in healthy male volunteers supplemented
with 30 mg or 100 mg Q10 or placebo as a single daily dose for two months in a randomised, doubleblind,
placebo-controlled study. Median baseline serum Q10 concentration in 99 men was 1.26 mg/l
(10%, 90% fractiles: 0.82, 1.83). Baseline serum Q10 concentration did not depend on age, while
borderline significant positive associations were found for body weight and smoking 1-10 cigarettes/d.
Supplementation with 30 mg or 100 mg Q10 resulted in median increases in serum Q10 concentration
of 0.55 mg/l and 1.36 mg/l, respectively, compared with a median decrease of 0.23 mg/l with placebo.
The changes in the Q10 groups were significantly different from that in the placebo group, and the
increase in the 100 mg Q10 group was significantly greater than that in the 30 mg Q10 group. The
change in serum Q10 concentration in the Q10 groups did not depend on baseline serum Q10
concentration, age, or body weight.
Zorn B; Virant-Klun I; Osredkar J; Krstic N:
The effects of a double-blind randomized placebo cross-over controlled trial using
coenzyme Q10 (Bio-Quinone Q10)...:
Frankfurt: 2nd Conf. Intl. CoQ10 Assn: 126-127 (2000)
Khatta M; Alexander BS; Krichten CM; Fisher ML; Freudenberger R; Robinson SW;
Gottlieb SS:
The effect of coenzyme Q10 in patients with congestive heart failure.:
Ann Intern Med: 132:8:636-40 (2000)
BACKGROUND: Coenzyme Q10 is commonly used to treat congestive heart failure on the basis of
data from several unblinded, subjective studies. Few randomized, blinded, controlled studies have
evaluated objective measures of cardiac performance. OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of
coenzyme Q10 on peak oxygen consumption, exercise duration, and ejection fraction. DESIGN:
Randomized, double-blind, controlled trial. SETTING: University and Veterans Affairs hospitals.
PATIENTS: 55 patients who had congestive heart failure with New York Heart Association class III and
IV symptoms, ejection fraction less than 40%, and peak oxygen consumption less than 17.0 mL/kg per
minute (or <50% of predicted) during standard therapy were randomly assigned. Forty-six patients
completed the study. INTERVENTION: Coenzyme Q10, 200 mg/d, or placebo. MEASUREMENTS:
Left ventricular ejection fraction (measured by radionuclide ventriculography) and peak oxygen
consumption and exercise duration (measured by a graded exercise evaluation using the Naughton
protocol) with continuous metabolic monitoring. RESULTS: Although the mean (+/-SD) serum
concentration of coenzyme Q10 increased from 0.95+/- 0.62 microg/mL to 2.2+/- 1.2 microg/mL in
patients who received active treatment, ejection fraction, peak oxygen consumption, and exercise
duration remained unchanged in both the coenzyme Q10 and placebo groups. CONCLUSION:
Coenzyme Q10 does not affect ejection fraction, peak oxygen consumption, or exercise duration in
patients with congestive heart failure receiving standard medical therapy.
Eriksson JG; Forsen TJ; Mortensen SA; Rohde M:
The effect of coenzyme Q10 administration on metabolic control in patients with type
2 diabetes mellitus:
BioFactors: 9:2-4:315-18 (1999)
A possible relationship between the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes and coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) deficiency
has been proposed. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of CoQ10 on metabolic control
in 23 type 2 diabetic patients in a randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Treatment with CoQ10 100
mg bid caused a more than 3-fold rise in serum CoQ10 concentration (p < 0.001). No correlation was
observed between serum CoQ10 concentration and metabolic control. No significant changes in metabolic
parameters were observed during CoQ10 supplementation. The treatment was well tolerated and
did not interfere with glycemic control; therefore CoQ10 may be used as adjunctive therapy in patients
with associated cardiovascular diseases.
Munkholm H; Hansen HHT; Rasmussen K:
Coenzyme Q10 treatment in serious heart failure:
BioFactors: 9:2-4:285-89 (1999)
Several noninvasive studies have shown the effect on heart failure of treatment with coenzyme Q10. In
order to confirm this by invasive methods, we studied 22 patients with mean left ventricular (LV)
ejection fraction 26%, mean LV internal diameter 71 mm and in NYHA class 2-3. The patients received
coenzyme Q10 100 mg twice daily or placebo for 12 weeks in a randomized, double- blinded, placebocontrolled
investigation. Before and after the treatment period, a right heart catheterisation was done
including a three minute exercise test. The stroke index at rest and work improved significantly, the
pulmonary artery pressure at rest and work decreased (significantly at rest), and the pulmonary capillary
wedge pressure at rest and work decreased (significantly at one minute work). These results suggest
improvement in LV performance. Patients with congestive heart failure may thus benefit from adjunctive
treatment with coenzyme Q10.
Henriksen JE; Andersen CB; Hother-Nielsen O; Vaag A; Mortensen SA; Beck-Nielsen
Impact of ubiquinone (coenzyme Q10) treatment on glycaemic control, insulin requirement
and well-being in patients with Type 1 diabetes mellitus
Diabet Med: 16:4:312-8 (1999)
AIM: To investigate the effect of ubiquinone (coenzyme Q10) on glycaemic control and insulin requirement
in patients with Type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM). METHODS: We investigated 34 patients with
Type 1 DM in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Patients received either 100 mg
Q10 or placebo daily for 3 months. The insulin doses were adjusted according to patients' home measurements
of blood glucose concentrations and reported experience of hypoglycaemia. RESULTS: At
randomization no differences existed between the Q10 and the placebo groups in age, body mass index
(BMI), HbA1c, daily insulin dose or mean daily blood glucose concentration. Serum Q10 concentration
increased in the Q10 group (mean +/- SD: 0.9+/-0.2 vs. 2.0+/-1.0 microg/ml, P<0.005), with no
change in the placebo group (0.9+/-0.3 vs. 0.9+/-0.3 microg/ml, not significant (NS)). Following intervention
no differences existed between the Q10 and the placebo groups regarding HbA1c (7.86+/-0.88
vs. 7.84+/-0.84%), mean daily blood glucose concentrations (8.06+/-1.86 vs. 8.53+/-1.88 mM), mean
insulin dose (52.1+/- 13.2 vs. 52.6+/-21.4 U), hypoglycaemic episodes (2.0+/-1.8 vs. 2.5+/-2.1 episodes/
week), or cholesterol concentrations (4.81+/-0.91 vs. 4.78+/-1.07 mM). Furthermore, no differences
existed in the well- being of the patients reported from a visual analogue scale (physical:
0.67+/-0.21 vs. 0.71+/-0.18, psychological: 0.70+/-0.25 vs. 0.73+/- 0.24). CONCLUSION: Q10 treatment
does not improve glycaemic control, nor does it reduce insulin requirement, and it can therefore
be taken by patients with Type 1 DM without any obvious risk of hypoglycaemia. No major beneficial or
unfavourable effects on the investigated parameters could be demonstrated and no major changes in
the sense of well-being occurred in the patients.
Eriksson JG; Forsen TJ; Mortensen SA; Rohde M:
A double-blind study on the effect of Coenzyme Q10 on metabolic control in patients
with type 2 diabetes mellitus:
Boston: 1st Conf. of the Intl. Coenzyme Q10 Assn.: 158-59 (1998)
Treatment with CoQ10 was well tolerated among elderly type 2 diabetic patients, and CoQ10 did not
interfere with the glycemic control. Thus, CoQ10 may be used in diabetics either prophylactically or as
an adjunctive therapy -- especially in association with concomitant diseases like hypertension, coronary
heart disease, and heart failure. CoQ10 is without unfavorable effects on the metabolic parameters assessed,
and it may have potential benefits under optimal conditions of bioavailability and dosage in
type 2 diabetes.
Munkholm H; Hansen HHT; Rasmussen K:
Invasive double-blinded placebo-controlled investigation of treatment of congestive
heart failure with coenzyme Q10:
Boston: 1st Conf. of the Intl. Coenzyme Q10 Assn.: 67 (1998)
PURPOSE: To evaluate the effect of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) on congestive heart failure. METHOD:
22 patients with left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) below 45%, LV internal diameter in diastole of >
60mm And in NYHA class 2-3 received CoQ10 200mg/day or placebo for 3 months. The usual medication
was kept unchanged. The groups were comparable regarding all relevant basal parameters. Before
and after the treatment period, a right heart catheterisation including a 3 minute exercise test was
done. The placebo group showed no significant changes. CONCLUSION: In this setting, CoQ10
200mg/day seemed to improve LV performance in patients suffering from congestive heart failure.
Ylikoski T; Piirainen J; Hanninen O; Penttinen J:
The effect of coenzyme Q10 on the exercise performance of cross-country skiers:
Molec Aspects Med: 18:Suppl:s283-s290 (1997)
Coenzyme Q10 supplementation (Bio-Quinone Pharma Nord, 90 mg/day) was studied in a doubleblind
crossover study of 25 Finnish top-level cross-country skiers. With CoQ10 supplementation, all
measured indexes of physical performance (AET, ANT and V02Max) improved significantly. During verum
supplementation, 94% of the athletes felt that the preparation had been beneficial in improving
their performance and recovery time versus only 33% in the placebo periods.
Henriksen JE; Andersen CB; Hother-Nielsen O; Vaag A; Beck-Nielsen H:
The effect of ubikinon (coenzyme Q10) on glycaæmic control and well-being in IDDM
Diabetologia: 39:Suppl 1:A227 (1996)
Several IDDM patients in our outpatient clinic reported independently that they had observed accumulated
hypoglycaemic episodes after initiating treatment with Ubikinon (CoQ 10). Thus, the aim of our
study was to investigate the effect of CoQ1O on glycaemic control and insulin requirement. Thirty-five
IDDM patients were included in a randomised double blinded placebo con trolled study with a run-in
period of four weeks and an intervention period of 12 weeks. Patients received either CoQ1O, 100 mg
daily, or placebo. Insulin doses were adjusted based on patients measurements of home blood glucose
concentrations. At randomisation no differences existed between the CoQ10 and the placebo
groups: Age (35.5 ± 2.0 vs 35.3 ± 2.4 yr), BMI (23.5 ± 0.7 vs 24.0 ± 0.6 kg/m2), HbAlc (8.04 ± 0.19 vs
8.02 ± 0.2 %), daily insulin dose (52.1 ± 3.1 vs 52.4 ± 5.0 U) or mean daily blood glucose concentration
(8.90 ± 0.42 vs 8.96 ± 0.42 mM). Serum CoQ10 concentration increased in the CoQ10 group (0.9 ± 0.1
vs 2.0 ± 0.24, p<0.005) whereas no changes were observed in the placebo group (0.9 ± 0.1 vs 0.9 ±
0.1). Following intervention no differences existed between the CoQ10 and the placebo groups regarding
HbAlc (7.86 ± 0.21 vs 7.84 ± 0.20 %), mean daily blood glucose concentrations (8.06 ± 0.45 vs
8,53 ± 0.46), mean insulin dose (52.4 ± 3.1 vs 52.6 ± 5.3 U), hypoglycaemic episodes (2.0±0.4 vs
2.5±0.5 episodes/week), or cholesterol concentrations (4.81 ± 0.22 vs 4.78 ± 0.26 mM). Furthermore,
no differences existed in the well-being of the patients reported from a visual analog scale (physical:
0.67 ± 0.05 vs 0.69 ± 0.05, mental: 0.70 ± 0.06 vs 0.73 ± 0.06). In conclusion, CoQ10 does not improve
glycaemic control or reduce insulin requirement and can be taken freely by IDDM patients.
However, this study does not indicate that CoQ10 has any beneficial effect on the well-being of the diabetic
Henriksen JE:
Har antioxidanter gunstige effekter på glukoseomsætningen?:
Tidsskrift for Diabetesbehandling: 7:2 Suppl:37-41 (1997)
CONCLUSION: There have only been published a few studies to date that attempt to evaluate the effect
of antioxidants on diabetes patients, be it effect on diabetic complications or effect on glycemic
control. In the coming years, we can look forward to rapidly expanding knowledge in these areas,
knowledge that we hope will clear up many of our current questions. At present, however, there is no
scientific reason to recommend diabetes patients to take antioxidants in addition to the ones they can
consume in a healthy and varied diet. If diabetes patients are motivated by personal convictions to take
antioxidants, however, it does not seem this involves a risk for the development of uncontrollable diabetes
control, and, in particular, it does not seem that such treatment involves a risk of hypoglycemic
Nylander M; Weiner J; Nordlund M:
A double-blind clinical dose-response study on effects of coenzyme Q10 on gingival
bleeding/periodontal disease in ordinary people
7th Intl Symp on Trends in Biomedicine in Finland: Suppl 8:1-7 (1996)
Sixty ordinary non smoking Swedish adults were included in this double-blind study. One group of 17
subjects received a daily dose of 30 mg CoQl0 in a soft-gel capsule with CoQl0 emulsified in soybean
oil during 10 days. Nineteen subjects received identical capsules with 100 mg CoQlO -in each capsule
(Bio-Quinone, Pharma Nord). The remaining 24 subjects were controls and received identical placebo
capsules without CoQlO. Gingival bleeding was recorded at the start and at the end of the study. The
decrease in gingival bleeding was greatest for the group that was supplemented orally with 100 mg
CoQlO per day and least in the placebo group. There was a statistically significant difference in change
in gingival bleeding points between the 100 mg CoQlO group and the other two groups (30 mg CoQl0
and placebo); one-tailed T-test p<0.05.
Serebruany VL; Herzog WR; Atamas SP; Gurbel PA; Rohde M; Mortensen SA; Folkers
Hemostatic changes after dietary coenzyme Q10 supplementation in swine:
J Cardiovasc Pharmacol: 28:175-181 (1996)
Improved cardiovascular morbidity and mortality have been observed in several clinical studies of dietary
supplementation with coenzyme Q1O (CoQ1O). We elucidated the effect of CoQ1O on certain hemostatic
parameters that may influence the progression of heart disease. Twelve Yorkshire swine were
randomized to receive diet supplementation with either CoQ10 or placebo for 20 days. Blood samples
were obtained at baseline and at the end of the feeding period. At the end of the protocol, there were
no significant differences in hemostatic parameters in the placebo group. A significant increase in total
serum CoQ1O level (from 0.39 +/- 0.06 to 0.96 ± 0.04 mcg/ml, p < 0.001) was noted after the feeding
period in the CoQ1O-supplemented group. We observed significant inhibition of ADP-induced platelet
aggregation (-9.9%) and a decrease in plasma fibronectin (-20.2%), thromboxane B2, (TXB2, –
20.6%), prostacyclin ( – 23.2%), and endothelin 1 (ET-1, -17.9%) level. There were no changes in the
plasma concentrations of the natural antithrombotics [antithrombin-III (AT-III), protein S, and protein C)
after CoQ1O supplementation. CoQ1O supplementation in a dose of 200 mg daily is associated with
mild anti aggregatory changes in the hemostatic.profile. Clinical beneficial effects of CoQ1O may be
related in part to a diminished incidence of thrombotic complications.
Herzog WR; Atar D; Mortensen SA; Schlossberg ML; Serebruany VL:
Effect of Coenzyme Q10 supplementation on platelet aggregability in swine:
Coenzyme Q: 3:1:5-8 (1996)
We studied the effect of dietary supplementation with Coenzyme Ql0 (CoQl0) on platelet aggregation
(PA) in 16 female Yorkshire swine. The animal population was divided into 3 groups. The experimental
groups received either CoQ10 200 mg twice daily as soft capsules (Bio-Quinone, Pharma Nord, Denmark)
(group A, n=5); 100 mg CoQl0 twice daily (group B, n=5); or placebo as an addition to their usual
diet (group C, n=6). Three time points for PA studies were chosen: baseline, 10 days and 20 days of
CoQl0 or placebo supplementation. PA was induced in venous blood by adding 5 μM ADP to plateletrich
plasma. The results suggest that PA significantly decreases in a dose-dependent manner after 20
days of CoQ10 supplementation. Inhibition of platelet function may be explained by the known antioxidant
properties of CoQ10. Diminished PA resulting from CoQ10 supplementation may contribute to the
observed clinical benefits in patients with cardiovascular diseases
Alford C; Service J; Hogan J:
The effects of food supplements (ubiquinone and selenium) on mood and compliance:
Conference Paper abstract: 1 (1996)
The role of health related behaviour based on operant conditioning, whereby behaviour may change as
a result of its consequences, can be examined by subjective assessment. The level of non-adherence
to recommended lifestyle changes, including diet, may be more than 40% (Sarafino, 1990. Health Psychology,
John Wiley) Daily food supplements: ubiquinone 60 mg (Bio-Quinone, Q-10), and a vitamin
complex (A, B6, C, E) with zinc (15 mg) and selenium (Bio-Selenium 100 micrograms), were compared
to placebo and a no-treatment control in a double-blind, parallel groups design with ten subjects (age
range 18-23 years) each assigned to the four groups. Assessments included the Profile of Mood States
(POMS); Visual Analogue Scales (VAS) and the UWIST Mood Adjective Checklist (UWAC) completed
during baseline and at three and five weeks during treatment. Non-adherence was found in 50%
(5/10) of the non-treatment control in comparison to 20% for the placebo and selenium groups, with
100% adherence for the Q10 group. This was partially reflected in mood changes. Significant (P<0.05)
increases in energy were reported after five weeks for selenium, as were decreases in tiredness
(POMS), increased energy was found for both selenium and Q10 with the VAS measure of energy
whilst UWAC indicated similar trends. Results support Benton and Cook's (1990, Pharmacol, 102,
549-550) finding with selenium and suggest improved mood may have a role in compliance to food
supplements. (Abstract, Brit Assn for Psychopharmacology, Cambridge, July, 1996)
Andersen CB; Henriksen JE; Hother-Nielsen O; Vaag A; Mortensen SA; Beck-Nielsen
The effect of CoQ10 on blood glucose and insulin requirement in patients with insulin
dependent diabetes mellitus:
9th Intl. Symp. Biomed. and Clin. Aspects of Coenzyme Q: 9:82-83 (1996)
The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of Coenzyme Q10 on blood glucose and insulin
requirement in patients with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM). Several IDDM patients reported
independently that they had observed accumulated hypoglycemic episodes and a need for reducing
insulin dose after initiating Q10 treatment, Thus our working hypothesis was that Q10 may have
a blood glucose lowering effect and/or an insulin diminishing effect. 34 patients from our outpatient clinic
were randomized into a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial with an initial run-in period of four weeks
and thereafter an intervention-period of twelve weeks in which one group received capsula Coenzyme
Q10 100 mg each day and the other group received placebo. Insulin dose was adjusted based
on patients' home monitoring of blood glucose. The same target level of glycemic control was used in
each patient in order to avoid accumulated hypoglycemic episodes and to avoid hyperglycemia. No differences
existed between the two groups (placebo and Q10) before randomisation regarding age, duration
of diabetes, body mass index and serum Q10. The glycemic control (HbAlr) were similar in the
groups before treatment, and there was not observed any change in glycemic control during the run-in
period in either of the groups. Following intervention the Q10 group had a two-fold increase in the serum
Q10 concentration. Overall no improvements in glycemic control during the intervention period
were observed (Table 1), and no decreases in total insulin dose were observed. Furthermore, no differences
in glycemic control or in total insulin dose were observed between the Q10 and the placebo
groups following intervention. No differences existed in the number of reported hypoglycemic episodes.
Blood pressure and plasma cholesterol concentration were unchanged and not different between the
groups. Using the visual scale, no differences were observed in physical, or general well-being between
the groups either before or during intervention. In conclusion, Coenzyme Q10 does not improve glycemic
control nor diminish the insulin requirement in patients with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
and therefore can be taken freely by these without risk of hypoglycemic episodes. On the other hand
no beneficial effect on the parameters investigated in our study was observed following Q10 treatment.
Salonen JT; Kaikkonen J; Nyyssonen K; Maijala L; Porkkala-Sarataho E; Salonen R;
Korpela H:
Coenzyme Q10 supplementation and lipoprotein oxidation resistance: a randomized
placebo controlled double blind study in marathon runners
9th Intl. Symp. Biomed. and Clin. Aspects of Coenzyme Q: 9:23 (1996)
Marathon runners were supplemented with either Bio-Quinone Q10 or placebo for three week before a
competition. Level of CoQ10 as well as oxidative resistance in blood lipids was significantly raised before
the run. No effect was seen on exercise induced oxidative stress or sparing of other antioxidants.
No difference was seen in muscular metabolites or muscular damage. Results suggest that Q10 supplementation
might improve oxidative resistance of lipoprotein in sedentary conditions, but does not
appear to influence oxidation of LDL or muscular damage due to exhaustive exercise.
Atar D; Mortensen SA; Flachs H; Herzog WR:
Coenzyme Q10 Protects Ischemic Myocardium in an Open-Chest Swine Model.:
Clin Investig: 71:S103-11 (1993)
Myocardial stunning, defined as a reversible decrease in contractility after ischemia and reperfusion,
may be a manifestation of reperfusion injury caused by free oxygen radical damage. The aim of this
study was to test the hypothesis that pretreatment with coenzyme Q10, believed to act as a free radical
scavenger, reduces myocardial stunning in a porcine model. 12 swine were randomized to receive either
oral supplementation with Q10 (200 mg twice daily as soft capsules) or placebo for 20 days. A
normothermic open-chest model was used with short occlusion (8 min) of the distal left descending
coronary artery (LAD) followed by reperfusion. Regional contractile function was measured with epicardial
Doppler crystals in ischemic and non-ischemic segments by measuring thickening fraction of the
left ventricular wall during systole. Stunning time was defined as the elapsed time of reduced contractility
until return to baseline. Concentrations of reduced CoQ10 were measured in blood and homogenized
myocardial tissue, using high- performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Plasma levels of reduced
coenzyme Q10 (ubiquinol) were higher in swine pretreated with the experimental medication as
compared to placebo (mean 0.45 mg/l versus 0.11 mg/l, respectively). Myocardial tissue concentrations,
however, did not show any changes (mean 0.79 μg/mg dry weight versus 0.74 μg/mg). Stunning
time was significantly reduced in coenzyme Q10 pretreated animals (13.7 ± 7.7 min versus 32.8 ± 3.1
min, P<0.01). In conclusion, chronic pretreatment with coenzyme Q10 protects ischemic myocardium
in an open-chest swine model. The beneficial effect of coenzyme Q10 on myocardial stunning may be
due to protection from free radical mediated reperfusion injury. This protective effect seems to be generated
by a humoral rather than intracellular mechanism.
b) Double-blinded multi-preparation trials
Cooper JM; Korlipara LV; Hart PE; Bradley JL; Schapira AH:
Coenzyme Q10 and vitamin E deficiency in Friedreich's ataxia: predictor of efficacy
of vitamin E and coenzyme Q10 therapy.
Eur J Neurol.: 15:12:1371-9. (2008)
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: A pilot study of high dose coenzyme Q(10) (CoQ(10))/vitamin E
therapy in Friedreich's ataxia (FRDA) patients resulted in significant clinical improvements in most
patients. This study investigated the potential for this treatment to modify clinical progression in FRDA
in a randomized double blind trial. METHODS: Fifty FRDA patients were randomly divided into high or
low dose CoQ(10)/ vitamin E groups. The change in International Co- operative Ataxia Ratings Scale
(ICARS) was assessed over 2 years as the primary end-point. A post hoc analysis was made using
cross-sectional data. RESULTS: At baseline serum CoQ(10) and vitamin E levels were significantly
decreased in the FRDA patients (P < 0.001). During the trial CoQ(10) and vitamin E levels significantly
increased in both groups (P < 0.01). The primary and secondary end-points were not significantly
different between the therapy groups. When compared to cross-sectional data 49% of all patients
demonstrated improved ICARS scores. This responder group had significantly lower baseline serum
CoQ(10) levels. CONCLUSIONS: A high proportion of FRDA patients have a decreased serum
CoQ(10) level which was the best predictor of a positive clinical response to CoQ(10)/vitamin E
therapy. Low and high dose CoQ(10)/vitamin E therapies were equally effective in improving ICARS
Skesters A; Zvagule T; Larmane L; Rainsford K et al.:
Effects of selenium alone and with antioxidants and ibuprofen mixture in Chernobyl
catastrophe clean-up workers:
Cell Biol Toxicol: 24:Suppl 1:S31 (2008)
CONFERENCE ABSTRACT: On the night of 26 April 1986, the Soviet nuclear accident brought for the
Soviet Union and Europe huge losses of financial and human resources. More than 6,500 male
inhabitants of Latvia of reproductive age were involved in the clean-up and recovery work after the
Chernobyl catastrophe. Consequently, they were exposed to both direct ?-radiation and inhaled or
absorbed toxic radioactive isotopes and volatile heavy metals derived from the reactor melt-down
through their skin, lungs, and gastrointestinal tract. After their homecoming, all clean-up workers (Cup-
w) immediately visited the University Hospital for a full medical examination. The evidence
obtained from studies performed to date suggest that many of the chronic diseases that are being
experienced by the C-up-w, including the recently identified increase of prostate symptoms, prostate or
other neoplasm, are due to the chronic manifestation of long-term oxidative stress (OS). Hence, this
proposal is part of a long-term study in 134 C-up-w of age 43u55 being served. C-upw received
selenium from yeast alone or in combination with antioxidants, coenzyme Q10, ibuprofen, or placebo.
Concentrations of selenium (Se), vitamin E (E), total antioxidant status (TAS), NEFA, triglycerides, lipid
peroxides (LP), intensity of OS were determined. After 1 year of supplementation, results showed that
increased concentrations of Se, E, and TAS, thus improved antioxidative defense of the organism and
some quality of life described parameters. Simultaneously, there were decreased concentrations of LP
and OS. In fact, during the supplementation period, there were decreased needs for prescribed
medicines, including those for joint pain, chronic bronchitis and emphysema, stomach troubles, and
depression. In groups treated for 1 year, there was no incidence of any neoplasia compared to seven
new cases of neoplasia among the survey (control) C-up-w. ADDITIONAL AUTHORS: Silova A,
Rusakova N & Mustafins P FULL TITLE: Effects of selenium alone and with antioxidants and ibuprofen
mixture in Chernobyl catastrophe clean-up workers at risk of developing cancer.
Sindberg CD; Littarru G.P.; Moesgaard S; Storm-Henningsen PL:
Bioavailability of Coenzyme Q10 Formulated with Palm Oil is Equivalent with a
Similar Soy Oil Formulation:
5th Conf Int. CoQ10 Ass – Prog & Abstr: 182-84 (2007)
This study investigated bioavailability of coenzyme Q10, comparing two preparations with palm oil and soy
oil respectively. A randomized, double-blind cross-over study was conducted with 12 volunteers. The
volunteers were randomized in two groups recieving coenzyme Q10 preparations containing 100mg
CoQ10 and 400mg soy oil or palm oil respectively each day for two periods of three weeks, with a two
weeks washout in between. In conclusion there was no significant difference in bioavailability of coenzyme
Q10 using the two different preparations and no adverse effects were observed.
Cooper JM; Schapira AH:
Friedreich's ataxia: coenzyme Q10 and vitamin E therapy.:
Mitochondrion.: 7 Suppl:S127-35. E (2007)
Since the identification of the genetic mutation causing Friedreich's ataxia (FRDA) our understanding
of the mechanisms underlying disease pathogenesis have improved markedly. The genetic
abnormality results in the deficiency of frataxin, a protein targeted to the mitochondrion. There is
extensive evidence that mitochondrial respiratory chain dysfunction, oxidative damage and iron
accumulation play significant roles in the disease mechanism. There remains considerable debate as
to the normal function of frataxin, but it is likely to be involved in mitochondrial iron handling, antioxidant
regulation, and/or iron sulphur centre regulation. Therapeutic avenues for patients with FRDA are
beginning to be explored in particular targeting antioxidant protection, enhancement of mitochondrial
oxidative phosphorylation, iron chelation and more recently increasing FRDA transcription. The use of
quinone therapy has been the most extensively studied to date with clear benefits demonstrated using
evaluations of both disease biomarkers and clinical symptoms, and this is the topic that will be covered
in this review.
Hoenjet KM; Dagnelie PC; Delaere KP; Oosterhof GON; Zambon JV; Oosterhof GO:
Effect of a Nutritional Supplement Containing Vitamin E, Selenium, Vitamin C and
Coenzyme Q10 on Serum PSA in Patients with Hormonally Untreated Carcinoma of
the Prostate: A Randomised Placebo-Controlled Study.
Eur Urol: 47:4:433-40. Ep (2005)
OBJECTIVE:: To assess the effect of a nutritional supplement containing vitamin E, selenium, vitamin
C and coenzyme Q10 on changes in serum levels of PSA in patients with hormonally untreated
carcinoma of the prostate and rising serum PSA levels. METHODS:: Eighty patients were randomised
to receive a daily supplement with either vitamin E, selenium, vitamin C, coenzyme Q10 (intervention
group) or placebo over 21 weeks. Serum levels of PSA were assessed at baseline (-2, -1, 0 weeks)
and after 6, 13, 19, 20 and 21 weeks. Mean changes in log serum level of PSA, testosterone,
dihydrotestosterone, luteinizing hormone and sex hormone binding globulin over 21 weeks between
the verum and the placebo group were compared by analysis of covariance. RESULTS:: Seventy
patients completed the study (36 verum; 34 placebo). Compliance was >90% in all patients. In the
intervention group, plasma levels of vitamin E, selenium and coenzyme Q10 increased significantly
over the 21 weeks study period. No significant differences in serum levels of PSA, testosterone,
dihydrotestosterone, luteinizing hormone or sex hormone binding globulin (p>0.2) were observed
between the intervention and control group. CONCLUSION:: Our results indicate that supplementation
of a combination of vitamin E, selenium, vitamin C and coenzyme-Q10 does not affect serum level of
PSA or hormone levels in patients with hormonally untreated carcinoma of the prostate.
Nielsen HG; Skjønsberg OH; Lyberg T:
Antioxidant supplementation and leukocyte expression of reactive oxygen species
(ROS) in endurance-trained athletes.:
Int. Soc. for Exercise & Immunol. Symp.: (2003)
Abstract presented at the International Society for Exercise and Immunology Symposium, 17-19 June
2003, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Engelsen J; Nielsen JD; Hansen KFW:
Effekten af coenzym Q10 og Ginkgo biloba på warfarindosis hos patienter i
længerevarende warfarinbehandling:
Ugeskr Læger: 165:18:1868-1871 (2003)
En randomiseret, dobbeltblind, placebokontrolleret undersøgelse af 100 mg coenzym Q10 (Bio-
Quinon) eller 100 mg Ginkgo biloba (Bio-Biloba) i 24 patienter i stabil warfarin behandling.
Undersøgelsen viste, at der ikke er klinisk betydende interaktion mellem Q10 og warfarin eller mellem
Ginkgo biloba og warfarin.
Engelsen J; Nielsen JD; Winther K:
Effect of coenzyme Q10 and Ginkgo biloba on warfarin dosage in stable, long-term
warfarin treated outpatients. A randomised, double blind, placebo-crossover trial.
Thromb Haemost: 87:6:1075-6. (2002)
Kaikkonen J:
Coenzyme Q10 – Plasma analysis and role as an antioxidant:
Kuopio University Publications D. MS 194: (1999)
PhD thesis, including the articles A-5565, A-5566, and A-6212.
Kaikkonen J; Nyyssonen K; Tomasi A; Iannone A; Tuomainen TP; Porkkala-
Sarataho E; Salonen JT:
Antioxidative efficacy of parallel and combined supplementation with coenzyme Q10
and d-alpha-tocopherol in mildly hypercholesterolemic subjects: a randomized
placebo- controlled clinical study.
Free Radic Res: 33:3:329-40 (2000)
It has been claimed that coenzyme Q10 (Q10) would be an effective plasma antioxidant since it can
regenerate plasma vitamin E. To test separate effects and interaction between Q10 and vitamin E in
the change of plasma concentrations and in the antioxidative efficiency, we carried out a doublemasked,
double-blind clinical trial in 40 subjects with mild hypercholesterolemia undergoing statin
treatment. Subjects were randomly allocated to parallel groups to receive either Q10 (200 mg daily), dalpha-
tocopherol (700 mg daily), both antioxidants or placebo for 3 months. In addition we investigated
the pharmacokinetics of Q10 in a separate one- week substudy. In the group that received both
antioxidants, the increase in plasma Q10 concentration was attenuated. Only vitamin E
supplementation increased significantly the oxidation resistance of isolated LDL. Simultaneous Q10
supplementation did not increase this antioxidative effect of vitamin E. Q10 supplementation increased
and vitamin E decreased significantly the proportion of ubiquinol of total Q10, an indication of plasma
redox status in vivo. The supplementations used did not affect the redox status of plasma ascorbic
acid. In conclusion, only vitamin E has antioxidative efficiency at high radical flux ex vivo. Attenuation of
the proportion of plasma ubiquinol of total Q10 in the vitamin E group may represent in vivo evidence
of the Q10-based regeneration of the tocopheryl radicals. In addition, Q10 might attenuate plasma lipid
peroxidation in vivo, since there was an increased proportion of plasma ubiquinol of total Q10.
Kuklinski B:
Wirkung von Antioxidantien unter klinischen Bedingungen:
Vitaminspur: 10:32-35 (1994)
Oxidative stress is the disbalance between radical generators and radical scavengers in favour of the
former. The results of four clinical intervention trials confirm the pathogenic significance of oxidative
stress in alcoholtoxic liver disease, myocardial infarction, diabetic late syndrome and acute pancreatitis.
A distinct improvement of prognosis could be achieved by using adjuvant antioxidant supplementation
(vitamins and trace elements).
Kuklinski B; Weissenbacher E; Fahnrich A:
Coenzyme Q10 and Antioxidants in Acute Myocardial Infarction:
Mol Aspects Med: 15s:s143-s147 (1994)
Sixty-one patients admitted with acute myocardial infarction, and a symptom's duration of less than 6
hr were randomized into two groups. Immediately after hospitalization, members of the verum group
(n=32) received 500 μg of selenium (as sodium selenite). Thereafter they received a daily dosage of
100 mg Coenzyme Q10 (Bio-Quinone, Pharma Nord, Denmark) and 100 mg selenium (Bio-Selenium
in the form of l-selenomethion ine) for a period of one year. The control group (n=29) were given matching
placebo preparations. The groups were comparable as with respect to age, sex and medical treatment.
Biochemical parameters showed a reduced concentration of CPK- and ASAT-level in the verum
group during the acute phase (although not statistically significant). None of the patients in the verum
group (i.e. on antioxidative treatment) showed prolongation of the frequency corrected QT-interval.
In the control group, 40 % revealed a prolongation of the QT-interval by more than 449 msec
(p<0.001). There were no significant differences with respect to early complications. During the oneyear
follow-up period after myocardial infarction, six patients (20 %) from the control group died from
re-infarction whereas one patient from the verum group suffered a non-cardiac death.
c) Other product-specific references
A 8874
Elshershari H, Ozer S, Ozkutlu S, Ozme S:
Potential usefulness of coenzyme Q10 in the treatment of idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy
in children.
Int J Cardiol.:vol 88:no.1:101-2 (2003)
Open pilot trial with 6 children with dilated cardiomyopathy supplemented with 10 mg/kg BW CoQ10 for
up to 16 months. In 5 children fractional shortening and injection fraction was significantly increased.
Fu X; Ji R; Dam J:
Acute, subacute toxicity and genotoxic effect of Bio-Quinone Q10 in mice and rats.
Regul Toxicol Pharmacol.: 53:1:1-5. Epub (2009)
In the present study, the acute, subacute and genetic toxicity of Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) in the form of
Bio-Quinone (Pharma Nord, Denmark) was assessed. LD(50) of CoQ10 by oral treatment was greater
than 20g/kg body weight in both female and male mice. Genotoxicity was assessed in mice by Ames
test in Salmonella typhimurium strains TA97, TA98, TA100 and TA102, by bone marrow micronucleus
test and sperm abnormality. Thirty-day subacute toxicity was conducted with oral daily dose at 0, 0.56,
1.13 and 2.25g/kg body weight in rats. No significant changes in body weight, food intake, behavior,
mortality, hematology, blood biochemistry, vital organ weight, sperm abnormality, mutagenicity and
micronucleus formation were observed and no clinical signs or adverse effects were detected by
administration of CoQ10. These results support the safety of CoQ10 for oral consumption.
Zmitek J; Smidovnik A; Fir M; Prosek M; Zmitek K; Walczak J; Pravst I:
Relative bioavailability of two forms of a novel water-soluble coenzyme Q10.
Ann Nutr Metab.: 52:4:281-7. Epu (2008)
BACKGROUND: Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a naturally occurring compound that plays a fundamental
role in cellular bioenergetics and is an effective antioxidant. Numerous health benefits of CoQ10
supplementation have been reported, resulting in growing demands for its use in fortifying food. Due to
its insolubility in water, the enrichment of most food products is not easily achievable and its in vivo
bioavailability is known to be poor. Water solubility was increased significantly with the use of an
inclusion complex with beta-cyclodextrin. This complex is widely used as Q10Vital in the food industry,
while its in vivo absorption in humans has not previously been studied. METHODS: A randomized
three-period crossover clinical trial was therefore performed in which a single dose of CoQ10 was
administered orally to healthy human subjects. The pharmacokinetic parameters of two forms of the
novel CoQ10 material were determined and compared to soft-gel capsules with CoQ10 in soybean oil
that acted as a reference. RESULTS: The mean increase of CoQ10 plasma concentrations after
dosing with Q10Vital forms was determined to be over the reference formulation and the area under
the curve values, extrapolated to infinity (AUC(inf)), were also higher with the tested forms; statistically
significant 120 and 79% increases over the reference were calculated for the Q10Vital liquid and
powder, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The study revealed that the absorption and bioavailability of
CoQ10 in the novel formulations are significantly increased, probably due to the enhanced water
Mancini A; De Marinis L; Littarru GP; Balercia G:
An update of Coenzyme Q10 implications in male infertility: biochemical and
therapeutic aspects.
Biofactors.: 25:1-4:165-74. (2005)
This review is focused upon the role of coenzyme Q(10) in male infertility in the light of a broader issue
of oxidative damage and antioxidant defence in sperm cells and seminal plasma. Reactive oxygen
species play a key pathogenetic role in male infertility besides having a well- recognized physiological
function. The deep involvement of coenzyme Q(10) in mitochondrial bioenergetics and its antioxidant
properties are at the basis of its role in seminal fluid. Following the early studies addressing its
presence in sperm cells and seminal plasma, the relative distribution of the quinone between these two
compartments was studied in infertile men, with special attention to varicocele. The reduction state of
CoQ(10) in seminal fluid was also investigated. After the first in vitro experiments CoQ(10) was
administered to a group of idiopathic asthenozoospermic infertile patients. Seminal analysis showed a
significant increase of CoQ(10) both in seminal plasma and in sperm cells, together with an
improvement in sperm motility. The increased concentration of CoQ(10) in seminal plasma and sperm
cells, the improvement of semen kinetic features after treatment, and the evidence of a direct
correlation between CoQ(10) concentrations and sperm motility strongly support a cause/effect
relationship. From a general point of view, a deeper knowledge of these molecular mechanisms could
lead to a new insight into the so-called unexplained infertility.
Westermarck T; Sauka M; Selga G; Skesters A et al.:
Effects of cocktail antioxidant supplementation on oxidative stress in aids:
Cell Biol Toxicol: 24:Suppl 1:S55-S56 (2008)
CONFERENCE ABSTRACT: Infection of HIV/AIDS is a worldwide problem of increasing magnitude.
Epidemiological studies have shown an inverse relationship between antioxidant intake and the
incidence of the disease. Nutritional problems in patients with HIV/AIDS may be due to several
mechanisms working independently or synergistically. The most effective role the clinician can play in
the nutritional care of these patients is close surveillance of nutritional complications over time and with
evolving medical therapy. Twenty- four Latvian male volunteers were HIV-infected outpatients (age 35,
3▒0.5). None of the screened subjects had C4 T cell counts less than 200 cells in microliter of blood,
none had active opportunistic infections or malignancies, and all were readily mobile. Ten uninfected
control males were similar in age to the HIV-infected group. HIV-infected subjects were treated
additionally with Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), L-Carnitine 500 mg/day, Bio-Selenium + Zinc that contains:
A-vitamin 1,000 ╡g, B6-vitamin 2.2 mg, Vitamin C 90 mg, Vitamin E 15 mg, Zinc 15 mg,and selenium
(Organic) 100 ╡g, each for 6 weeks. Significant decrease of fMLP- stimulated PMNL
chemiluminescence (p<0.05) confirms the antioxidative properties. Serum concentration of selenium
increased after CoQ10 treatment. Monitoring antioxidant enzymes and other metabolic changes in
patients with HIV infection is recommended. The supplementation of antioxidants is worth applying to
HIV patients. ADDITIONAL AUTHORS: Abdulla M, Atroshi F
Figuero E; Soory M; Cerero R; Bascones A:
Oxidant/antioxidant interactions of nicotine, Coenzyme Q10, Pycnogenol and
phytoestrogens in oral periosteal fibroblasts and MG63 osteoblasts.
Steroids.: 71:13-14:1062-72. E (2006)
BACKGROUND: There is a growing awareness that oxidative stress may play a role in periodontal
disease. The aim of this investigation was to evaluate potential oxidant/antioxidant interactions of
nicotine with antioxidants (Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ), Pycnogenol and phytoestrogens in a cell culture
model. METHODS: Duplicate incubations of human periosteal fibroblasts and osteoblasts were
performed with 14C-testosterone as substrate, in the presence or absence of CoQ (20 microg/ml),
Pycnogenol (150 microg/ml), and phytoestrogens (10 and 40 microg/ml), alone and in combination with
nicotine (250 microg/ml). At the end of a 24-h incubation period, the medium was solvent extracted and
testosterone metabolites were separated by thin-layer chromatography and quantified using a
radioisotope scanner. RESULTS: The incubations of osteoblasts and periosteal fibroblasts with CoQ,
Pycnogenol or phytoestrogens stimulated the synthesis of the physiologically active androgen DHT,
while the yields of DHT were significantly reduced in response to nicotine compared to control values
(p<0.001 for phytoestrogens). The combination of nicotine with CoQ, Pycnogenol or phytoestrogens
increased the yields of DHT compared with incubation with nicotine alone in both cell types.
CONCLUSION: This investigation suggests that the catabolic effects of nicotine could be reversed by
the addition of antioxidants such as CoQ or Pycnogenol and phytoestrogens.
Sindberg CD; Littarru G.P.; Moesgaard S; Storm-Henningsen PL:
Bioavailability of Coenzyme Q10 Formulated with Palm Oil is Equivalent with a
Similar Soy Oil Formulation:
5th Conf Int. CoQ10 Ass – Prog & Abstr: 182-84 (2007)
This study investigated bioavailability of coenzyme Q10, comparing two preparations with palm oil and
soy oil respectively. A randomized, double-blind cross-over study was conducted with 12 volunteers.
The volunteers were randomized in two groups recieving coenzyme Q10 preparations containing
100mg CoQ10 and 400mg soy oil or palm oil respectively each day for two periods of three weeks, with
a two weeks washout in between. In conclusion there was no significant difference in bioavailability of
coenzyme Q10 using the two different preparations and no adverse effects were observed.
Cooper JM; Schapira AH:
Friedreich's ataxia: coenzyme Q10 and vitamin E therapy.:
Mitochondrion.: 7 Suppl:S127-35. E (2007)
Since the identification of the genetic mutation causing Friedreich's ataxia (FRDA) our understanding
of the mechanisms underlying disease pathogenesis have improved markedly. The genetic abnormality
results in the deficiency of frataxin, a protein targeted to the mitochondrion. There is extensive evidence
that mitochondrial respiratory chain dysfunction, oxidative damage and iron accumulation play
significant roles in the disease mechanism. There remains considerable debate as to the normal function
of frataxin, but it is likely to be involved in mitochondrial iron handling, antioxidant regulation, and/
or iron sulphur centre regulation. Therapeutic avenues for patients with FRDA are beginning to be explored
in particular targeting antioxidant protection, enhancement of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation,
iron chelation and more recently increasing FRDA transcription. The use of quinone therapy has
been the most extensively studied to date with clear benefits demonstrated using evaluations of both
disease biomarkers and clinical symptoms, and this is the topic that will be covered in this review.
Soongswang J; Sangtawesin C; Durongpisitkul K; Laohaprasitiporn D; Nana A;
Punlee K; Kangkagate C:
The Effect of Coenzyme Q10 on Idiopathic Chronic Dilated Cardiomyopathy in
Pediatr Cardiol: 26:361-366 (2005)
The objective of this study was to assess the effect of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) as supplementation to
conventional antifailure drugs on quality of life and cardiac function in children with chronic heart failure
due to dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). The study was an open-label prospective study performed in
two of the largest pediatric centers in Thailand from August 2000 to June 2003. A total of 15 patients
with idiopathic chronic DCM were included, with the median age of 4.4 years (range, 0.6-16.3).
Presenting symptoms were congestive heart failure in 12 cases (80%), cardiogenic shock in 2 cases
(13.3%), and cardiac arrhythmia in 1 case (6.7%). Sixty-one percent of patients were in the New York
Heart Association functional class 2 (NYHA 2), 31% in NYHA 3, and 8% in NYHA 4. Cardiothoracic
ratio from chest x-ray, left ventricular ejection fraction, and left ventricular end diastolic dimension in
echocardiogram were 0.62 (range, 0.55-0.78), 30% (range, 20-40), and 5.2 cm (range, 3.8-6.5),
respectively. CoQ10 was given at a dosage of 3.1 ? 0.6 mg/kg/day for 9 months as a supplementation
to a fixed amount of conventional antifailure drugs throughout the study. At follow-up periods of 1, 3, 6,
and 9 months, NYHA functional class was significantly improved, as was CT ratio and QRS duration at
3 and 9 months follow-up with CoQ10 when compared to the baseline and post-discontinuation of
CoQ10 at 9 months (range, 4.8-10.8). However, when multiple comparisons were taken into
consideration, there was no statistical significant improvement. In addition to the conventional
antifailure drugs, CoQ10 may improve NYHA class and CT ratio and shorten ventricular depolarization
in children with chronic idiopathic DCM.
Balercia G; Mosca F; Mantero F; Boscaro M; Mancini A; Ricciardo-Lamonica G;
Littarru G:
Coenzyme Q(10) supplementation in infertile men with idiopathic
asthenozoospermia: an open, uncontrolled pilot study.
Fertil Steril: 81:1:93-8. (2004)
OBJECTIVE: To clarify a potential therapeutic role of coenzyme Q(10) (CoQ(10)) in infertile men with
idiopathic asthenozoospermia. DESIGN: Open, uncontrolled pilot study. PATIENT(S): Infertile men
with idiopathic asthenozoospermia. INTERVENTION(S): CoQ(10) was administered orally; semen
samples were collected at baseline and after 6 months of therapy. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE (S):
Semen kinetic parameters, including computer-assisted sperm data and CoQ(10) and
phosphatidylcholine levels. RESULT(S): CoQ(10) levels increased significantly in seminal plasma and
in sperm cells after treatment. Phosphatidylcholine levels also increased. A significant increase was
also found in sperm cell motility as confirmed by computer-assisted analysis. A positive dependence
(using the Cramer's index of association) was evident among the relative variations, baseline and after
treatment, of seminal plasma or intracellular CoQ(10) content and computer-determined kinetic
parameters. CONCLUSION(S): The exogenous administration of CoQ(10) may play a positive role in
the treatment of asthenozoospermia. This is probably the result of its role in mitochondrial
bioenergetics and its antioxidant properties.
Hodges SJ; Gill K; Walsh T; Rawlinson A et al.:
Human gingival crevicular fluid levels of coenzyme Q10.:
3rd Conference of the International Coenzyme Q10 Association: 77-78 (2002)
Abstract presented at the 3rd Conference of the Internat- ional Coenzyme Q10 Association, 22-24
November, London, UK.
Turunen M; Wehlin L; Sjoberg M; Lundahl J; Dallner G; Brismar K; Sindelar PJ:
beta2-Integrin and lipid modifications indicate a non- antioxidant mechanism for the
anti-atherogenic effect of dietary coenzyme Q10.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun: 296:2:255-60. (2002)
Dietary supplementation with coenzyme Q (CoQ) has been proposed to have anti-atherogenic effects
by virtue of its antioxidant capacity. To investigate this question, the leukocyte status of 5 males and 5
females (52-68 years) was evaluated before and after supplementation with 200mg CoQ/day for 5 and
10 weeks. CoQ was selectively taken up by mononuclear cells and alpha-tocopherol increased in
polynuclear and mononuclear cells. The expression of beta2- integrin CD11b and complement
receptor CD35 on the plasma membrane of resting and stimulated monocytes was significantly
decreased upon dietary CoQ. Fatty acid and aldehyde analysis revealed that there was a selective
increase of arachidonic acid and plasmalogens in only mononuclear cells. These selective lipid
changes are not consistent with a general improvement in antioxidant status and indicate that CoQ
most likely inhibits a phospholipase A2. Thus, these results strongly suggest that the anti- atherogenic
effects of CoQ be mediated by other mechanisms beside its antioxidant protection.
Sunesen VH; Weber C; Holmer G:
Lipophilic antioxidants and polyunsaturated fatty acids in lipoprotein classes:
distribution and interaction.:
Eur J Clin Nutr: 55:2:115-23. (2001)
OBJECTIVE: To study the lipoprotein distribution of supplemented coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), vitamin E,
and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). DESIGN: Balanced three- period crossover study. SETTING:
University research unit. SUBJECTS: Eighteen apparently healthy free-living non- smoking volunteers
(nine women, nine men), mean age 26 +/- 3 y, recruited among the university students; no dropouts.
INTERVENTIONS: Three supplementation periods of 10 days: 100 mg/day CoQ10, 350 mg/day Dalpha-
tocopherol, and 2 g/day concentrated fish oil. Fasting venous blood samples were collected
twice before the first period and then after each period. Plasma and isolated lipoproteins were
analysed for cholesterol, triacylglycerol, alpha- and gamma-tocopherol, CoQ10, and fatty acid
composition. RESULTS: Significant (P < 0.05) increase in CoQ10 and alpha-tocopherol occurred in all
lipoprotein classes after supplementation. CoQ10 was primarily incorporated into low-density
lipoprotein (LDL). alpha-tocopherol and fish oil n-3 PUFAs had similar patterns. They were equally
distributed between LDL and high-density lipoprotein (HDL), with a smaller part in VLDL. The total sum
of PUFA was unchanged following all supplementations, but fish oil increased the amount of n-3 fatty
acids at the expense of n-6 fatty acids. CONCLUSION: Lipoprotein distribution of CoQ10 is markedly
different from that of alpha-tocopherol, suggesting that they may be metabolised by distinct routes.
alpha-Tocopherol is distributed similarly to n-3 fatty acids, thus providing protection on location for the
oxidatively labile PUFAs.
Horstink MW; van Engelen BG:
The effect of coenzyme Q10 therapy in Parkinson disease could be symptomatic.:
Arch Neurol: 60:8:1170-2 (2003)
Lankin VZ; Tikhaze AK; Kukharchuk VV; Konovalova GG; Pisarenko OI; Kaminnyi
AI; Shumaev KB; Belenkov YN:
Antioxidants decreases the intensification of low density lipoprotein in vivo
peroxidation during therapy with statins.
Mol Cell Biochem: 249:1-2:129-40. (2003)
The oxidative modification of low density lipoprotein (LDL) is thought to play an important role in
atherogenesis. Drugs of beta-hydroxy-beta-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase
inhibitors (statins) family are usually used as a very effective lipid-lowering preparations but they
simultaneously block biosynthesis of both cholesterol and ubiquinone Q10 (coenzyme Q), which is an
intermediate electron carrier in the mitochondrial respiratory chain. It is known that reduced form of
ubiquinone Q10 acts in the human LDL as very effective natural antioxidant. Daily per os administration
of HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor simvastatin to rats for 30 day had no effect on high-energy
phosphates (adenosin triphosphate, creatine phosphate) content in liver but decreased a level of these
substances in myocardium. We study the Cu2+-mediated susceptibility of human LDL to oxidation and
the levels of free radical products of LDL lipoperoxidation in LDL particles from patients with
atherosclerosis after 3 months treatment with natural antioxidants vitamin E as well as during 6 months
administration of HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors such as pravastatin and cerivastatin in monotherapy
and in combination with natural antioxidant ubiquinone Q10 or synthetic antioxidant probucol in a
double-blind placebo- controlled trials. The 3 months of natural antioxidant vitamin E administration
(400 mg daily) to patients did not increase the susceptibility of LDL to oxidation. On the other hand,
synthetic antioxidant probucol during long-time period of treatment (3-6 months) in low-dose (250 mg
daily) doesn't change the lipid metabolism parameters in the blood of patients but their high antioxidant
activity was observed. Really, after oxidation of probucol-contained LDL by C-15 animal lipoxygenase
in these particles we identified the electron spin resonance signal of probucol phenoxyl radical that
suggests the interaction of LDL-associated probucol with lipid radicals in vivo. We observed that 6
months treatment of patients with pravastatine (40 mg daily) or cerivastatin (0.4 mg daily) was followed
by sufficiently accumulation of LDL lipoperoxides in vivo. In contrast, the 6 months therapy with
pravastatin in combination with ubiquinone Q10 (60 mg daily) sharply decreased the LDL initial
lipoperoxides level whereas during treatment with cerivastatin in combination with probucol (250 mg
daily) the LDL lipoperoxides concentration was maintained on an invariable level. Therefore,
antioxidants may be very effective in the prevention of atherogenic oxidative modification of LDL during
HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors therapy.
Lankin VZ; Tikhaze AK:
Atherosclerosis as a free radical pathology and antioxidative therapy of this disease.:
Free Radicals, Nitric Oxide and Inflammation: 218-231 (2003)
Full title of source: Free Radicals, Nitric oxide and inflammation: Molecular, Biochemical, and Clinical
Aspects; A Tomasi et al. (eds). IOS Press, 2003
Annon: Hungary:
Absence of forbidden substances (doping) in a range of Pharma Nord Products:
Hungarian Nat. Inst. for Sports Hygiene: (2002)
The Doping Control laboratory of the Hungarian National Institute of Sports Hygiene analysed a range
of Pharma Nord's products (Bio-Sport, Bio-Calcium+Mg+Si, Bio-Carnitine, Bio-Chromium, Bio-Fiber,
Bio-Magnesium, Bio-Quinone 10 mg, Bio-Selenium+Zinc, and Bio-Slim) and found them to be free of
any substances on the country's doping list (which is assumed to be equivalent to international lists).
The preparations were considered safe when used as directed, and could be recommended to
Lister RE:
An open, pilot study to evaluate the potential benefits of coenzyme Q10 combined
with Ginkgo biloba extract in fibromyalgia syndrome.
J Int Med Res: 30:2:195-9. (2002)
An open, uncontrolled study was undertaken to measure the subjective effects of coenzyme Q10
combined with a Ginkgo biloba extract in volunteer subjects with clinically diagnosed fibromyalgia
syndrome. Anecdotal reports from patients with fibromyalgia syndrome have claimed benefits from the
use of these supplements. The aim of this study was to determine if these reports could be
substantiated in a pilot clinical trial. Patient questioning had determined that poor quality of life was a
major factor in the condition and a quality-of-life questionnaire was used to measure potential benefit.
Subjects were given oral doses of 200 mg coenzyme Q10 and 200 mg Ginkgo biloba extract daily for
84 days. Quality of life was measured, using the well- validated Dartmouth Primary Care Cooperative
Information Project/World Organization of Family Doctors (COOP/WONCA) questionnaire that
measures seven different subjective responses, at 0-, 4-, 8-, and 12-week intervals. The subjects were
asked for an overall self-rating at the end of the study. A progressive improvement in the quality-of-life
scores was observed over the study period and at the end, the scores showed a significant difference
from those at the start. This was matched by an improvement in self-rating with 64% claiming to be
better and only 9% claiming to feel worse. Adverse effects were minor. A controlled study is now
Lodi R; Hart PE; Cooper JM; Schapira AHV; Crilley JG; Bradley JL; Blamire AM;
Manners D; Styles P; Schapira AH; Cooper JM:
Antioxidant treatment improves in vivo cardiac and skeletal muscle bioenergetics in
patients with Friedreich's ataxia.:
Ann Neurol: 49:5:590-6. (2001)
Friedreich's ataxia (FA) is the most common form of autosomal recessive spinocerebellar ataxia and is
often associated with a cardiomyopathy. The disease is caused by an expanded intronic GAA repeat,
which results in deficiency of a mitochondrial protein called frataxin. In the yeast YFH1 knockout model
of the disease there is evidence that frataxin deficiency leads to a severe defect of mitochondrial respiration,
intramitochondrial iron accumulation, and associated production of oxygen free radicals. Recently,
the analysis of FA cardiac and skeletal muscle samples and in vivo phosphorus magnetic resonance
spectroscopy (31P-MRS) has confirmed the deficits of respiratory chain complexes in these tissues.
The role of oxidative stress in FA is further supported by the accumulation of iron and decreased
aconitase activities in cardiac muscle. We used 31P-MRS to evaluate the effect of 6 months of antioxidant
treatment (Coenzyme Q10 400 mg/day, vitamin E 2,100 IU/day) on cardiac and calf muscle energy
metabolism in 10 FA patients. After only 3 months of treatment, the cardiac phosphocreatine to ATP
ratio showed a mean relative increase to 178% (p = 0.03) and the maximum rate of skeletal muscle
mitochondrial ATP production increased to 139% (p = 0.01) of their respective baseline values in the
FA patients. These improvements, greater in prehypertrophic hearts and in the muscle of patients with
longer GAA repeats, were sustained after 6 months of therapy. The neurological and echocardiographic
evaluations did not show any consistent benefits of the therapy after 6 months. This study demonstrates
partial reversal of a surrogate biochemical marker in FA with antioxidant therapy and supports
the evaluation of such therapy as a disease- modifying strategy in this neurodegenerative disorder.
Watson JP; Jones DE; James OF; Cann PA; Bramble MG:
Case report: oral antioxidant therapy for the treatment of primary biliary cirrhosis: a
pilot study
J Gastroenterol Hepatol: 14:10:1034-40 (1999)
BACKGROUND: The symptoms of the chronic cholestatic liver disease primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC),
in particular fatigue and chronic pruritus, adversely affect quality of life and respond only poorly to
treatment. Recent studies have suggested that oxidative stress may play a role in tissue damage in
cholestatic liver disease and may contribute to symptoms, such as fatigue. We have, therefore,
examined, in an open- label pilot study, the therapeutic effects of antioxidant medication on the
biochemistry and symptomatology of PBC. METHODS: Patients were randomized to 3 months
treatment with a compound antioxidant vitamin preparation (Bio-Antox), four tablets daily (n = 11, group
1), or the combination of Bio-Quinone Q10 (100 mg) with Bio- Antox (n = 13, group 2). Biochemical
and symptomatic responses were assessed at 3 months. RESULTS: Significant improvement in both
pruritus and fatigue was seen in the patients in group 2. Mean itch visual analogue score improved
from 2.4 +/- 3.0 to 0.4 +/- 0.7 post therapy (P < 0.05) while mean night itch severity score improved
from 2.6 +/- 1.9 to 1.3 +/- 0.7 (P < 0.05). Nine of 13 of these patients reported less fatigue, while 10/13
showed an improvement in at least one domain of their Fisk Fatigue Severity Score. No significant
improvement in itch and only limited improvement in fatigue were seen in the patients in group 1. No
change in biochemical parameters was seen in either group. CONCLUSIONS: Antioxidant therapy, as
a combination of Bio-Antox and Bio-Quinone Q10, may improve the pruritus and fatigue of PBC. This
combination of therapy should be investigated further in a double-blind, placebo- controlled trial.
Hodges S; Hertz N; Lockwood K; Lister R:
CoQ10: could it have a role in cancer management?:
BioFactors: 9:2-4:365-70 (1999)
Coenzyme Q10 or ubiquinone has been shown to have both anti-cancer and immune system enhancing
properties when tested in animals. Preliminary results reported here suggest that it might inhibit
tumourassociated cytokines. Clinical studies conducted with combination therapies of CoQ10 and other
antioxidants are ongoing, but the results are difficult to evaluate owing to the lack of proper control
groups and of initial randomisation. Also on the basis of some anti-cancer effects of antioxidants reported
in the literature, further animal studies and a proper clinical trial of coenzyme Q10 in cancer patients
are needed.
Hodges S; Hertz N; Lister R:
CoQ10: does it have a role in cancer management?:
Boston: 1st Conf. of the Intl. Coenzyme Q10 Assn.: 85 (1998)
Lunn R; Rawlinson A; Walsh T; Hodges SJ:
Coenzyme Q10 is lower in gingival cervicular fluid in periodontitis:
Conference Paper, Meeting of Society of Nordic Odontology: 1-6 (1997)
Micronutrient concentrations in the periodontal pocket may be important regulators of bacterial growth.
A number of the suspected oral pathogens have an absolute requirement for vitamin K, while more benign
forms use coenzyme Q10 (Co-Q). There is very little information on gingival crevicular fluid (GCF)
levels of micronutrients; indeed, Co-Q has not been measured in this fluid before this study. We collected
GCF using Periopaper strips from one diseased site and one healthy site in each of nine patients
attending periodontology clinics (age range 27 51, pocket depth 5.9 ± 0.3 and 1.5 ± 0.17 (mean ±
sem) for the diseased and healthy sites respectively). The samples were extracted into ethanol and reduced
to dryness under a stream of 02 free nitrogen into a water bath at 50 degrees C. The residues
were reconstituted in ethanol before being subjected to HPLC purification, coupled to electrochemical
detection. Co-Q levels were quantified against authentic external standard material, and the concentration
of Co-Q determined from GCF volumes. The concentration of Co-Q from the diseased site was found
to be 4.5 ± 3.0 microg/ml and from the healthy site 44.8 ± 21.2 microgram/ml (mean ± sem). The
recovery of Co-Q was 71.5 ± 4.8 %. There was a significant difference in Co-Q concentration between
the two ones (p=0.0078). We conclude that, if Co-Q is required to maintain a healthy microflora ecological
in the periodontal pocket, then this state may be compromised in periodontal disease. Supplementation
with different oral doses of Co-Q10 were found to increase GCF levels in proportion to
dosage. From our limited study, it would appear that a 30 mg oral dose contributes maximally to GCF
levels at about two hours after supplementation. Increasing the dose of Co-Q10 raises the levels in the
periodontal pocket for longer. (Conference paper read at the Meeting of the Society of Nordic Odontology
held in Reykjavik, Iceland, 21-23 August 1997.)
Serebruany VL; Ordonez JV; Herzog WR; Rohde M; Mortensen SA; Folkers K; Gurbel
Dietary CoQ10 supplementation alters platelet size and inhibits human vitronectin
(CD51/CD61) receptor expression:
J Cardiovasc Pharmacol: 29:16-22 (1997)
Improved cardiovascular morbidity and mortality have been observed in several clinical studies of dietary
supplementation with coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10, ubiquinone). Several mechanisms have been proposed
to explain the effects of CoQ10, but a comprehensive explanation of its cardioprotective properties
is still lacking. One attractive theory links ubiquinone with the inhibition of platelets. The effect of
COQ10 intake on platelet size and surface antigens was examined in human volunteers. Study participants
received 100 mg of CoQ10 twice daily in addition to their usual diet for 20 days. Receptor
expression was measured by flow cytometry with monoclonal murine anti-human antibodies CD9
(p24), CD42B (Ib), CD41b (IIb), CD61 (IIIa), CD41a (IIb/IIIa), CD49b (VLA-2), CD62p (P selectin),
CD31 (PECAM- 1), and CD5 I /CD61 (vitronectin). An increase of total serum CoQ10 level (from 0.6 ±
0.1 to 1.8 ± 0.3 microgram/ml; p < 0.001) was found at protocol termination. Fluorescence intensity
was higher for the large platelets when compared with the whole platelet population. Significant inhibition
of vitronectin-receptor expression was observed consistently throughout ubiquinone treatment. Re-
duction of platelet size was observed at the end of CoQ10 supplementation. Inhibition of the platelet vitronectin
receptor and a reduction of the platelet size are direct evidence of a link between dietary
CoQ10 intake and platelets. These findings may not be fully explained by the known antioxidant and
bioenergetic properties of CoQ10. Diminished vitronectin-receptor expression and reduced platelet size
resulting from CoQ10 therapy may contribute to the observed clinical benefits in patients with cardiovascular
Lewin A; Lavon H; Reubinoff B; Abramov Y; Safron A; Shemesh A; Friedler S;
Schenker JG:
The effect of CoQ10 on sperm viability in vitro and on hamster egg penetration assay:
Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics: 12:3:31S (1995)
Coenzyme Q1O has some major functions in the human cells. These comprise reduction of free radicals
and prevention of cell membrane damage, participation in growth and secretion control of the cell,
and control of calcium exchange and intracellular pH through Na/H exchange. However. the main role
of Q10 is transport of electrons and protons in the process of energy production, through ATP synthesis
in the mitochondrial membrane. It is therefore obvious that the whole process of energy production
in the cell depends on the availability of Q10. In the sperm cells, the majority of Q10 is concentrated in
the midpiece mitochondria. so that the energy for sperm movement and all other energy-dependent
processes in the sperm cell also depend on Q10 availability. In an ongoing study, sperm from fertile
and sub-fertile men are evaluated for their viability in vitro and their penetration capacity into zona free
hamster eggs after incubation with various concentrations of Q10 for 24 hours. The effect of Q10 in vitro
on the above parameters and its correlation to fertility will be discussed.
Yokoyama H; Lingle DM; Crestanello JA; Kamelgard J; Kott BR; Momeni R; Millili J;
Mortensen SA; Whitman GJ:
Coenzyme Q10 protects coronary endothelial function from ischemia reperfusion
injury via an antioxidant effect:
Surgery: 120:189-196 (1996)
BACKGROUND. Cardiac ischemia reperfusion (I/R) injury causes coronary vascular dysfunction. Coenzyme
Q10 (CoQ), which preserves cardiac mechanical function after I/R, recently has been .recognized
as a free radical scavenger. We hypothesized that CoQ protects coronary vascular reactivity after
I/R via an antioxidant mechanism. METHODS. Rats were pretreated with either CoQ (20 mg/kg intramuscular
and 10 mg/kg intraperitoneal [CoQ group]) or a vehicle (Control) before the experiment.
Isolated perfused rat hearts were subjected to 25 minutes of global normothermic ischemia and 40 minutes
of reperfusion. The reperfusioninduced oxidative burst was directly assessed by lucigenin enhanced
chemiluminescence. Coronary flow was measured at equilibration and after reperfusion with or without
bradykinin, an endothelium-dependent vasodilator, and sodium nitroprusside (SNP), an endothelium-
independent vasodilator. The effect of intracoronary infusion of hydrogen peroxide (H202 0.1 micro
mol/gm body weight given over 5 minutes), simulating the free radical burst after I/R, also was evaluated.
RESULTS. I/R decreased the bradykinininduced change in coronary flow (-5% +/- 4% versus 26 %
± 3 % at equilibration; p < 0.05) and the SNP-induced change (+20 % +/- 6 % versus +56 % ± 5 % at
equilibration; p < 0. 05). The coronary vasculature after H202 infusion revealed similar loss in vasodilatory
responsiveness (+4 % ± 4 % in response to bradykinin, +35 % ± 8 % in response to SNP; p < 0.
05 versus equilibration). Pretreatment with CoQ improved BK-induced vasorelaxation after I/R (+l2% ±
2%; p < 0.05 versus control I/R) or H202 infusion (18 % ± 4 %; p < 0. 05 versus control I/R) but failed
to improve SNP induced vasorelaxation. The CoQ pretreatment decreased the I/R-induced maximal
free radical burst (9.3 ± 0.8 x 10 to the third power cpm versus 11.5 +/- 1.1. x 10 to the third power
cpm; p < 0. 05) during the early period of reperfusion. CONCLUSION. Endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation
is more sensitive than endothelium independent relaxation to I/R injury. Via a direct antioxidant
effect, CoQ preserved endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation by improving tolerance to I/R injury.
Lonnrot K; Metsa-Ketela T; Alho H:
The role of coenzyme Q10 in aging: a follow-up study on life-long oral supplementation
Q-10 in rats:
Gerontology: 41:Suppl. 2:109-118 (1996)
The essential role of coenzyme Q – ubiquinone – in biological energy transduction is well established.
Reduced Q – ubiquinol- has also been shown to act as an antioxidant and to decrease the action of
free radicals, which in turn could cause damage to structural lipids or proteins. The accumulation of
lipopigments during aging in several peripheral organs and in the nervous system is considered to be
related to the peroxidation of unsaturated fatty acids. An age-related decline of Q-10 has been suggested
to occur in man and rats. In this study we followed the effects of life-long oral supplementation of
coenzyme Q-10 on the development and life-span and pigment accumulation in peripheral tissues and
the nervous system of laboratory rats. The Q-10 supplemented group showed a significant increase in
Q-10 in plasma and liver, while it was unchanged in other tissues. There was no significant difference
between the two groups in the development and mortality of the animals. No differences were observed
in lipopigment accumulation. Our results indicate that in rats, life-long supplementation of Q-10 has
no beneficial effects on life-span or pigment accumulation.
Crestanello JA; Kamelgard J; Lingle DM; Mortensen SA; Rhode M; Whitman GJ:
Elucidation of a tripartite mechanism underlying the improvement in cardiac tolerance
to ischemia by coenzyme Q10 pretreatment.
J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg: 111:2:443-50 (1996)
Coenzyme Q10, which is involved in mitochondrial adenosine triphosphate production, is also a powerful
antioxidant. We hypothesize that coenzyme Q10 pretreatment protects myocardium from ischemia
reperfusion injury both by its ability to increase aerobic energy production and by protecting creatine kinase
from oxidative inactivation during reperfusion. Isolated hearts (six per group) from rats pretreated
with either coenzyme Q10, 20 mg/kg intramuscularly and 10 mg/kg intraperitoneally (treatment) or vehicle
only (control) 24 and 2 hours before the experiment were subjected to 15 minutes of equilibration,
25 minutes of ischemia, and 40 minutes of reperfusion. Developed pressure, contractility, compliance,
myocardial oxygen consumption, and myocardial aerobic efficiency were measured. Phosphorus 31
nuclear magnetic resonance (31P-NMR) spectroscopy was used to determine adenosine triphosphate
and phosphocreatine concentrations as a percentage of a methylene diphosphonic acid standard.
Hearts were assayed for myocardial coenzyme Q10 and myocardial creatine kinase activity at end
equilibration and at reperfusion. Treated hearts showed higher myocardial coenzyme Q10 levels (133
+/- 5 micrograms/gm ventricle versus 117 +/- 4 micrograms/gm ventricle, p < 0.05). Developed pressure
at end reperfusion was 62% +/- 2% of equilibration in treatment group versus 37% +/- 2% in control
group, p < 0.005. Preischemic myocardial aerobic efficiency was preserved during reperfusion in treatment
group (0.84 +/- 0.08 mm Hg/(microliter O2/min/gm ventricle) vs 1.00 +/- 0.08 mm Hg/(microliter
O2/min/gm ventricle) at equilibration, p = not significant), whereas in the control group it fell to 0.62 +/-
0.07 mm Hg/(microliter O2/min/gm ventricle, p < 0.05 vs equilibration and vs the treatment group at reperfusion.
Treated hearts showed higher adenosine triphosphate and phosphocreatine levels during
both equilibration (adenosine triphosphate 49% +/- 2% for the treatment group vs 33% +/- 3% in the
control group, p < 0.005; phosphocreatine 49% +/- 3% in the treatment group vs 35% +/- 3% in the
control group, p < 0.005) and reperfusion (adenosine triphosphate 18% +/- 3% in the treatment group
vs 11% +/- 2% in the control group, CTRL p < 0.05; phosphocreatine 45% +/- 2% in the treatment
group vs 23% +/- 3% in the control group, p < 0.005). Creatine kinase activity in treated hearts at end
reperfusion was 74% +/- 3% of equilibration activity vs 65% +/- 2% in the control group, p < 0.05). Coenzyme
Q10 pretreatment improves myocardial function after ischemia and reperfusion. This results
from a tripartite effect: (1) higher concentration of adenosine triphosphate and phosphocreatine, initially
and during reperfusion, (2) improved myocardial aerobic efficiency during reperfusion, and (3) protection
of creatine kinase from oxidative inactivation during reperfusion.
Alho HE:
The relation of plasma and CSF antioxidants:
Meeting abstract: 1 (1994)
Abstract of a paper presented at the 77th Biennial Scientific Meeting of the International Society for
Free Radical Research in Sydney, Australia, November 6-10, 1994. The relation between the levels of
plasma and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) antioxidants is not well understood. Compared to plasma normal
CSF has a low total peroxyl radical trapping parameter (TRAP), uric acid, vitamin-E and ubiquinone
(Q-10) but high ascorbic acid content. We studied the effects of oral supplementation of vitamin-C
(ASC) and Q-10 on CSF and plasma TRAP and its component concentration in healthy subjects. ASC
and Q-10 were administered 500-1000mg and 100-300mg for four weeks respectively. After two weeks
of supplementation in plasma both ASC and Q-10 increased significantly (with high dose: ASC from 5l
+/- 5 to 75 +/-5.5 μM and Q-10 from 0.6 +/- 0.2 to 2.5 +/- 0.4 μM) while the TRAP value remained unchanged.
In CSF only ASC increased (from 197 +/-10 to 252 +/- 16 μM) but the Q-10 and TRAP remained
unchanged. It is possible that while plasma ubiquinone is mainly bound to LDL it does not pass
blood brain barrier and oral supplementation has no effects on human CSF Q-10 content.
Nylander M; Weiner J; Ruokonen I; Laakso J:
Plasma levels of Coenzyme Q10 before and after supplementation: a bioavailability
Coenzyme Q: 3:1:25-32 (1996)
A group of 146 Swedish adults, average age 60 (range 21-98), were supplemented orally with 60 mg
CoQ10 daily for 10 days. On the first and last day of the study, blood samples were taken before
breakfast. The test grou stayed in the same hotel and ate two vegetarian meals pe day. A subgroup of
36 subjects had been vegetarian for long time. Before suppl., a statistically significant (s.s. correlation
was found between the plasma levels of CoQ10 and total cholesterol (p<0.001). There was also
significant positive correlation between age and CoQ10 (p<0.005) and between age and total
cholesterol (p<0.05) The vegetarians had s.s. lower (p<0.001) levels of total cholesterol (5.7 mmol/l) as
compared to non-vegetarians (6,8 mmol/i). There was no significant difference in CoQl0 levels
between vegetarians and non-vegetarians before supplementation. Average levels of CoQ10 in plasma
increased significantly from 1.12 micro mol/l (Std. dev. 0.40, Range 0.51-2.54) to 1.88 micro mol/l (Std.
dev. 0.65, Range 0.76-3.71) after supp) The relationship between the available variables was further
studied in a multivariate analysis with the difference in CoQ10 plasma levels before and after suppl. as
dependent variable and sex, age, vegetarianism, CoQ10 levels before suppl. and total cholesterol
before suppl. as the independent variables. This analysis showed a positive and significant effect of
total cholesterol before suppl. (p<0.05) and a positive significant effect of vegetarianism (p<0.05). The
effect of sex was not statistically significant (p = 0.15). There was no effect of age The strongest
response to supplementation was shown by the subjects with lower basal levels. There was a s.s.
correlation between levels of CoQ10 and total cholesterol also after the suppl. time (p<0.001).
Lockwood K; Moesgaard S; Hanioka T; Folkers K:
ANICA – Adjuvant Nutritional Intervention in Cancer: Current Status (poster):
Poster, 9th Intl. Symp. Biomed. & Clin. Aspects on CoQ10: 1-9 (1996)
Poster presented at the 9th International Symposium on Biomedical and Clinical Aspects of Coenzyme
Q10 in Ancona, Italy, May 16-19,1996.
Lewin A:
The effect of coenzyme Q10 on sperm motility:
9th Intl. Symp. Biomed. and Clin. Aspects of Coenzyme Q: 9:47 (1996)
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) has some major functions in the human cells. These comprise reduction of
free radicals, participation in growth and secretion control of the cell, and control of calcium exchange
and intracellular pH. However, the main role of CoQ10 is transport of electrons and protons in the mitochondrial
membrane. For this, CoQ10 has specific ligation sites to various dehydrogenases, such as
NADH- and Succinate-, from which it collects electrons for the oxydative process. By transport of protons,
it creates an electrochemical gradient across mitochondrial membranes, so allowing the
production of ATP. It is therefore obvious that the whole process of energy production in the cell depends
on the availability of CoQ10. In sperm cells, the majority of Q10 is concentrated in the midpiece
mitochondria, so that the energy for sperm movement and all other energy-dependent processes in the
sperm cell also dependent on Coenzyme Ql0 availability. In the present study, sperm samples from infertile
couples were evaluated for motility before and after incubation with various CoQ10 concentrations.
CoQ10 powder was dissolved in Dimethyl-Sulphoxide (DMSO) and added to HAM'S-F10 culture
medium to reach final concentration of 5 micromol/L and 50 micromol/L CoQ10. After motility evaluation,
the sperm samples were divided in 4 parts and incubated for 24 hours in HAM's solution alone, in
HAM's solution with the various concentrations of CoQ10, or in HAM's solution with DMSO alone. While
no difference in motility was observed in the samples with normal motility, an increase in motility was
observed in the sperm from asthenospermic men. Further studies in vivo are needed to establish the
role of CoQ10 supplementation on sperm motility and fertilizing capacity.
Serebruany VL; Ordonez JV; Herzog WR; Rohde M; Mortensen SA; Folkers K;
Gurbel PA:
Dietary CoQ10 supplementation alters platelet size and inhibits human vitronectin
(CD51/CD61) receptor expression:
9th Intl. Symp. Biomed. and Clin. Aspects of Coenzyme Q: 9:37 (1996)
Healthy volunteers received 100 mg CoQ10/day for 20 days. Receptor expression and antibodies vere
measured. Total serum Q10 increased significantly. Significant inhibition of vitronectin receptor
expression was observed in addition to a reduction of platelet size. These findings may not fully be
explained by the known antioxidant and bioenergetic properties of CoQ10. The obser- ved changes
may contribute to the clinical benefits in patients with cardiovascular diseases. (see also document
Alleva R; Tomasetti M; Littarru GP; Folkers K; Curatola G; Battino M:
The roles of coenzyme Q10 and vitamin E on the peroxidation of human low density
lipoprotein subfractions.:
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A: 92:20:9388-91 (1995)
The aim of our study was to investigate the relationships between the levels of coenzyme Q10
(CoQ10) and vitamin E and the levels of hydroperoxide in three subfractions of low density lipoproteins
(LDL) that were isolated from healthy donors. LDL3, the densest of the three subfractions, has shown
statistically significant lower levels of CoQ10 and vitamin E, which were associated with higher hydroperoxide
levels when compared with the lighter counterparts. After CoQ10 supplementation (Bio-Quinone,
Pharma Nord, Denmark), all three LDL subfractions had significantly increased CoQ10 levels. In
particular, LDL3 showed the highest CoQ10 increase when compared with LDL1 and LDL2 and was
associated with a significant decrease in hydroperoxide level. These results support the hypothesis that
the CoQ10 endowment in subfractions of LDL affects their oxidizability, and they have important implications
for the treatment of disease.
Mizuno M; Quistorff B; Theorell H; Theorell M et al.:
Effects of Peroral Ingestion of Coenzyme Q10 om 31p-MRS detected Skeletal Musc-
le Energy Metabolism in Post-Polio In.:
3. Sci. Meet., Eur. Soc. Magn. Res. Med. Biol.: (1995)
Abstract presented at the 12. annual meeting; European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
and Biology, Nice, France, Aug. 19. – 25., 1995. Coenzyme Q10 supplementation has demonstrated
an improvement of oxidative energy metabolism, i.e. a decreased Pi/PCr ratio at rest and during
exercise, in mitochondrial myopathies. The study evaluated the possibility of the same effect in postpolio
patients and healthy controls. 5 subjects were supplemented for six months with 90 mg
CoQ10/day. The post-polio subjects showed a progressive decrease in resting Pi/PCr, less pronounced
end-exercise intra- muscular acidosis and faster resynthesis of PCr during recovery.
Sindberg CD:
Research in Nutritional Intervention:
Workshop, Pharma Nord Research, Kolding `95: (1995)
Abstracts and Proceedings from Pharma Nord Research Konference "Research in Nutritional Intervention"
held May 19.-21. 1995 at Hotel Koldingfjord, Kolding, Denmark.
Mortensen SA (ed.); Remme WJ (ed.); Sindberg CD:
Pharma Nord Satellite Symposium on The Role of Coenzyme Q10 in Ischemia and
Heart Failure:
Heart Failure `95, Europ Soc Cardiol: (1995)
Collection of Abstracts from Pharma Nord Satellite Symp. at "Heart Failure `95" in Amsterdam April 1.-
4. 1995.
Lockwood K; Moesgaard S; Yamamoto T; Folkers K:
Progress on therapy of breast cancer with vitamin Q10 and the regression of metastases.:
Biochem Biophys Res Commun: 212:1:172-7 (1995)
Over 35 years, data and knowledge have internationally evolved from biochemical, biomedical and clinical
research on vitamin Q10 (coenzyme Q10; CoQ10) and cancer, which led in 1993 to overt complete
regression of the tumors in two cases of breast cancer. Continuing this research, three additional
breast cancer patients also underwent a conventional protocol of therapy which included a daily oral
dosage of 390 mg of vitamin Q10 (Bio-Quinone of Pharma Nord) during the complete trials over 3-5
years. The numerous metastases in the liver of a 44-year-old patient "disappeared," and no signs of
metastases were found elsewhere. A 49-year-old patient, on a dosage of 390 mg of vitamin Q10, revealed
no signs of tumor in the pleural cavity after six months, and her condition was excellent. A 75-
year-old patient with carcinoma in one breast, after lumpectomy and 390 mg of CoQ10, showed no
cancer in the tumor bed or metastases. Control blood levels of CoQ10 of 0.83-0.97 and of 0.62 micrograms/
ml increased to 3.34-3.64 and to 3.77 micrograms/ml, respectively, on therapy with CoQ10
for patients A-MRH and EEL.
Folkers K; Moesgaard S; Morita M:
A One Year Bioavailability Study of Coenzyme Q10 with 3 Months Withdrawal Period:
Mol Aspects Med: 15s:s281-s285 (1994)
Twenty-one healthy subjects received oral Coenzyme Q10 supplementation in soft capsules of 30 mg
t.i.d. for 9 months (Bio-Quinone, Pharma Nord, Denmark), followed by a withdrawal period of 3 months.
Blood samples were taken before start of supplementation, after 3 and 9 months of supplementa-
tion, and finally after 3 months withdrawal. Average blood Coenzyme Q10 concentration increased
from about 1 mg/l before supplementation to about 2 mg/l after 3 and 9 months of supplementation,
and returned to the pretreatment level after withdrawal. The rise of Coenzyme Q10 concentration was
statistically significant (p<0.001, t-test).
Weis M; Mortensen SA; Rassing MR; Møller-Sonnergaard J; Poulsen G; Rasmussen
Bioavailability of Four Oral Coenzyme Q10 Formulations in Healthy Volunteers:
Mol Aspects Med: 15s:s273-s280 (1994)
The bioavailability of four different Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ) formulations was compared in ten healthy volunteers
in a four-way randomised cross-over trial. The included formulations were: A hard gelatine
capsule containing 100 mg of CoQ with 400 mg of Emcompress(R). Three soft gelatine capsules containing:
100 mg of CoQ with 400 mg of soy bean oil (Bio-Quinone(R)); 100 mg of CoQ with 20 mg of
polysorbate 80, 100 mg of lecithin and 280 mg of soy bean oil; and 100 mg of CoQ with 20 mg of polysorbate
80 and 380 mg of soy bean oil, respectively. The result suggests that the soy bean oil suspension
of CoQ (Bio-Quinone(R)) has the highest bioavailability. A difference in the basic AUC and
AUC after p.o. administration of CoQ was observed with respect to sex. A characteristic two-peak pattern
was observed at the concentration vs. time profile.
Lockwood K; Moesgaard S; Hanioka T; Folkers K:
Apparent Partial Remission of Breast Cancer in 'High Risk' Patients Supplemented
with Nutritional Antioxidants, Essential Fatty Acids and Coenzyme Q10
Mol Aspects Med: 15s:s231-s240 (1994)
Thirty-two typical patients with breast cancer, aged 32-81 years and classified 'high risk' because if tumor
spread to the lymph nodes in the axilla, were studied for 18 months following an Adjuvant Nutritional
Intervention in Cancer protocol (ANICA protocol). The nutritional protocol was added to the surgical
and therapeutic treatment of breast cancer, as required by regulations in Denmark. The added treatment
was a combination of nutritional antioxidants (Vitamin C: 2850 mg, Vitamin E: 2500 iu, ß-carotene
32.5 iu, selenium 387 μg plus secondary vitamins and minerals), essential fatty acids (1.2 g gamma
linolenic acid and 3.5 g n-3 fatty acids) and Coenzyme Q10 (90 mg per day). (All nutritional preparations
supplied by Pharma Nord, Denmark) The ANICA protocol is based on the concept of testing the
synergistic effect of those categories of nutritional supplements, including vitamin Q10, previously
having shown deficiency and/or therapeutic value as single elements in diverse forms of cancer, as
cancer may be synergistically related to diverse biochemical dysfunctions and vitamin deficiencies. Biochemical
markers, clinical condition, tumor spread, quality of life parameters and survival were followed
during the trial. Compliance was excellent. The main observations were: (1) none of the patients
died during the study period. (the expected number was four.) (2) none of the patients showed signs of
further distant metastases. (3) quality of life was improved (no weight loss, reduced use of pain killers).
(4) six patients showed apparent partial remission.
Weber C; Jakobsen TS; Mortensen SA; Paulsen G; Hølmer G:
Effect of Dietary Coenzyme Q10 as an Antioxidant in Human Plasma:
Mol Aspects Med: 15s:s97-s102 (1994)
A human study including 22 volunteers was conducted to investigate the antioxidative effect in blood of
dietary Coenzyme Q10 supplementation (Bio-Quinone, Pharma Nord, Denmark). The levels of a-tocopherol,
ascorbic acid, lipid peroxidation (measured as TBARS) and the redox status of CoQ10 (reduced
CoQ10/total CoQ10) were measured in plasma as markers for the antioxidative status once a
week during the study period. To introduce an increased oxidative stress, a fish oil supplementation
was given. The levels of a-tocopherol and ascorbic acid and the redox status did not change upon
CoQ10 supplementation, while the level of TBARS decreased. The decrease in TBARS might be ascri-
bed to an antioxidative effect of the supplied CoQ10. The constant redox level of CoQ10 during the
CoQ10 supplementation shows that the exogenous CoQ10 is reduced during absorption and subsequent
incorporation into lipoproteins, which is a prerequisite for its antioxidative function. The fish oil
supplementation resulted in a higher TBARS level and a lower a-tocopherol level, but the redox level of
CoQ10 was unchanged. In conclusion, the CoQ10 supplementation resulted in a higher plasma level of
reduced CoQ10 and a lower TBARS level, but sparing of other plasma antioxidants (i.e. ascorbic acid
and a-tocopherol) was not observed.
Weber C; Sejersgard Jakobsen T; Mortensen SA; Paulsen G; Hølmer G:
Antioxidative effect of dietary coenzyme Q10 in human blood plasma:
Internat J Vit Nutr Res: 64:311-315 (1994)
The effect of an oral dose of 90 mg/day coenzyme Q10 on the antioxidative status in 22 healthy young
subjects (9 men and 13 women) was investigated before and after induction of an oxidative stress by
fish oil supplementation. The levels of oxidised and reduced coenzyme Q10, alpha tocopherol, ascorbate,
TBARS and the fatty acid composition of phospholipids were determined in plasma. The total
amount of plasma coenzyme Q10 increased significantly from 0.7 +/- 0.1 micromol/l before supplementation
to 1.7 +/ 0.3 micromol/l after one week of supplementation while the redox status (reduced
CoQ10/total CoQ10) remained constant, even during a following fish oil supplementation. The level of
TBARS decreased during the first 2 weeks of CoQ10 ingestion while the content of alpha tocopherol
increased in the second week and ascorbate did not change. The decrease of TBARS and the presence
of the majority of the orally supplemented CoQ10 in the reduced form in plasma seem to indicate an
antioxidative role of CoQ10 in blood plasma.
Gardner A:
Coenzyme Q10 and diabetes mellitus: A 72-year-old man taking CoQ10 on his own
accord could quit insulin injections:
8th. Int. Symp. Biomed. and Clin. Aspects of CoQ10: 69 (1993)
Lockwood K; Moesgaard S; Folkers K:
Partial and complete regression of breast cancer in patients in relation to dosage of
coenzyme Q10:
Biochem Biophys Res Commun: 199:3:1504-8 (1994)
Relationships of nutrition and vitamin to the genesis and prevention of cancer are increasingly evident.
In a clinical protocol, 32 patients having -"high-risk" breast cancer were treated with antioxidants, fatty
acids, and 90 mg of CoQ10. Six of the 32 patients showed partial tumor regression. In one of these 6
cases, the dosage of CoQ10 was increased to 390 mg. In one month, the tumor was no longer palpable
and in another month, mammography confirmed the absence of the tumor. Encouraged, another
case having verified breast tumor, after nonradical surgery and with verified residual tumor in the tumor
bed was treated with 300 mg CoQ10. After 3 months, this patient was in excellent clinical condition and
there was no residual tumor tissue. The bioenergetic activity of CoQ10, expressed as hematological or
immunological activity, may be the dominant but not the sole molecular mechanism causing the regression
of breast cancer.
Mortensen SA:
Perspectives on Therapy of Cardiovascular Diseases with Co Q10.:
Clin Investig: 71:S116-23 (1993)
A defective myocardial energy supply – due to lack of substrates and/or essential cofactors and a poor
utilization efficiency of oxygen – may be a common final pathway in the progression of myocardial di-
seases of various etiologies. The vitamin-like, essential substance Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) has a key
role in the oxidative phosphorylation. A biochemical rationale for using CoQ10 as a therapy in heart disease
was been established years ago by Folkers and associates; however, this has been further
strengthened by investigations of viable myocardial tissue from the author's series of 45 patients with
various cardiomyopathies. Myocardial tissue levels of CoQ10 determined by HPLC were found significantly
lower in groups with more advanced heart failure (NYHA classes III and IV) compared with those
patients in the milder stages of heart failure. Furthermore, the tissue CoQ10 deficiency was significantly
restored by oral therapy, 100 mg CoQ10 daily (dissolved in soy-bean oil and administered in soft gelatine
capsules). In a series of 40 patients with heart failure of various origin at Rigshospitalet nearly
two thirds revealed clinical improvement, most pronounced in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy.
Double-blind placebo-controlled trials have definitely confirmed that coenzyme Q10 has a place as adjunctive
treatment in heart failure with beneficial effects on the clinical outcome, the patients' physical
activity, and their quality of life. The positive results have been above and beyond the clinical status obtained
from treatment with traditional principles – including angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors.
Nylander M:
Kliniska effekter pa parodontalt status efter kostsupplementering med ubiquinon, coensym
Biomed: 4:6-11 (1991)
Six people with varying degree of periodontosis were given a daily oral supplement of 30-100 mg of
ubiquinone (Bio-Quinone, Pharma Nord) for 6-12 weeks. The results indicate that ubiquinone can attenuate
the degree of bleeding tendency and/or inflammation of the gingiva in individuals showing periodontosis.
Time needed of supplementation for therapeutic effect varied individually.
Kuklinski B; Pietschmann A:
Oxidativer Stress und Altern:
Z Geriatrie: 4:224-246 (1991)
Review: Oxidative stress and the aging process. A description of the involvement of oxidative stress
during aging. Antioxidants and their specific effects are presented. Epidemiological investigations in
Germany revealed an undersupply with nutritional anti- oxidants. The highest deficit could be found in
selenium, an essential trace element for radical scavenger enzymes. This may lead to a deficiency in
vitamin E. Oxidative stress activates the cascade of arachidonic acid, as well as inducing inflow of intracellular
calcium. These changes on a subcellular level, contribute to immunodisturbances and enhancement
of cancer- and atherogenesis.
7.2 Selected references
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A-6617 Rozen TD, Oshinsky ML, Gebeline CA, Bradley KC et al.: Open
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A-6688 Engelsen J, Nielsen JD, Winther K: Effect of coenzyme Q10 and
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A-6898 Horstink MW, van Engelen BG: The effect of coenzyme Q10
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A-7059 Turunen M, Olsson J, Dallner G: Metabolism and function of
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A-7172 Rundek T, Naini A, Sacco R, Coates K et al.: Atorvastatin
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A-7185 Shults CW, Flint Beal M, Song D, Fontaine D: Pilot trial of high
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A-7227 Damian MS, Ellenberg D, Gildemeister R, Lauermann J et al.:
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A-7354 Soongswang J, Sangtawesin C, Durongpisitkul K,
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A-7563 Muller T, Buttner T, Gholipour AF, Kuhn W: Coenzyme Q10
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A-7564 Chan A, Reichmann H, Kogel A, Beck A et al.: Metabolic changes
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A-7581 Golomb BA, Kane T, Dimsdale JE: Severe irritability associated
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A-7883 Haruna M, Matsuzaki M, Tanizaki T, Sekine K et al.: Increased
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A-8028 Miles MV, Patterson BJ, Chalfonte-Evans ML, Horn PS et al.:
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A-8049 Hidaka T, Fujii K, Funahashi I, Fukotimi N et al.: Overview of
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A-8059 Littarru GP, Tiano L: Bioenergetic and antioxidant properties of
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A-8064 Yamasaki M, Kitagawa T, Chujo H, Koyanagi N et al.:
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A-8252 Roffe L, Schmidt K, Ernst E: Efficacy of coenzyme Q10 for
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A-8482 Hershey AD, Powers SW, Vockell AL, Lecates SL et al.:
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A-8580 Chen RS, Huang CC, Chu NS: Coenzyme Q10 treatment in
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A-8607 Pella D, Fedacko J, Rybar R, Fedackova P et al.: Coenzyme Q10
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A-8667 Bhagavan HN, Chopra RK, Craft NE, Chitchumroonchokchai C et
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A-8684 Mancini A, De Marinis L, Littarru GP, Balercia G: An update of
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A-8779 Bhagavan HN, Chopra RK: Coenzyme Q10: absorption, tissue
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40, no. 5, pp. 445-53.
A-8810 Molyneux SL, Florkowski CM, George PM, Pilbrow AP et al.:
Coenzyme Q10: an independent predictor of mortality in chronic
heart failure.; J Am Coll Cardiol. 2008 52, no. 18, pp. 1435-41.
A-8835 Teran E, Hernandez I, Nieto B, Tavara R et al.: Coenzyme Q10
supplementation during pregnancy reduces the risk of preeclampsia.;
Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2009 105, no. 1, pp. 43-5. Epub
A-8849 Hamilton SJ, Chew GT, Watts GF: COENZYME Q10 IMPROVES
DIABETIC PATIENTS.; Diabetes Care 2009 32, no. 5, pp. 810-2
A-8868 Kon M, Tanabe K, Akimoto T, Kimura F et al.: Reducing exerciseinduced
muscular injury in kendo athletes with supplementation of
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A-8874 Elshershari H, Ozer S, Ozkutlu S, Ozme S: Potential usefulness of
coenzyme Q10 in the treatment of idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy
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A-8876 Safarinejad MR. Efficacy of coenzyme Q10 on semen parameters,
sperm function and reproductive hormones in infertile men; J Urol
2009 182 237-48
A-8878 Draeger A, Monastyrskaya K, Mohaupt M, Hoppeler H, et al.:
Statin therapy induces ultrastructural damage in skeletal muscle in
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